by ashitaka 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • lauralisa

    Zero and Ashi, Thank you and bravo... this is amazing...

    HI Andee!!!

    My immediate thought after reading your post:

    It reminds of why the Soviets were able to keep such tight control of such a huge land mass and diverse population for so many years. It was the ability to control the spread of information. For a private citizen to own a copy machine held a penalty of imprisonment. When one of their various branches of government had "a" copy machine it was kept in a vault and only a select few had access to it.
    (still recovering here from shudder-reflex still resonating from the first post...)

    I remember all the condemnation in old Watchtower and Kirap! mags directed towards the catholic church in the middle ages when supposedly people were killed for trying to "read a bible"; also the attempts to keep the bible from being translated into common languages.... How on earth do those frogs in Brooklyn reconcile their dictates with history??????

    Gag, gag, gag, gag, gag....

    But sooo cool to read this stuff right here in full sunlight.

    Warm regards,


  • BluesBrother

    God ! I am well out of all that, Your brilliant post brought back the dull as ditchwater delivery of these meetings, and endless sessions and the strangeness of an all male assembly hall meeting.

    secular esearch - who the hell do they think they are? we will see if this comes down into the congregation meetings .Other posters have made the comparisoms with Mediaval Catholic Church.

    Scully. I love your point about the oxymoron "inactive publisher" it had never struck me, thats one to remember when the inevitible confrontation comes with elders. Thanks to all.

  • Trotafox

    Sounds like a serious case of butt-covering goin' on!


    "Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.

  • sf

    <--------------passes out individual toilet "seat" covers

  • TweetieBird

    How many elders do you think will listen to this crap and finally say, enough! Surely, there must be some elders that will recognize it for what it really is. Unbelievable!

    By the way, I am probably toast now. I am:

    1) inactive
    2) a woman that works outside of the home to elevate my standard of living
    3) I also have been in contact via email with a bethelite about the whole UN thing - if they do monitor the bethelites emails, then my days are surely numbered. After he explained to me the lame excuse for the society becoming a member, I replied that it was bunk. That was a couple of weeks ago, haven't heard back yet.

  • ISP

    Can anyone post the agenda/programme?


  • slipnslidemaster

    Tweetie, I have read a couple of posts here on the board referring to JW plumbers doing auditing work at the Bethels. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they are in fact doing a huge monitoring job right now.

    They are going to clean house soon to stop all the leaks.

    The tighter they close their fists the more star systems will slip through their fingers.

    Slipnslidemaster:"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is."
    - Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut

  • wednesday

    So one cannot be "inactive" . They will "get you" one way or the other. It is incredible that anything could have so much power. I am currently inactive-occ attend a meeting. I have a lot of issues with JW's but apparently I am on their sh*t list as no one has called at my home in years. It is like they are just waiting and hoping i"ll make any mistake so they can offically oust me. Can't one even lead a life without being harassed by Jw's if one is inactive?

    the stuff about the internet is true. For years I have known their are JW spies watching these boards and I even had a list of of known apostate e-mail addys'(but lost it on a computer crash) . I got them from someone in an Aol chat room for x-jw's. This was being done to protect innocent JW from being taken in by Xjw's pretending to be Real JW's.I remember it being openly discused at he hall several years ago(after the meeting of course, the thrust of the discussion being-we know who u are and we'll get u) . Am i crazy or is this paranoid? Now if they can get your e-mail addy-how far will they go to f find out out who u are? I guess further than i imagined.

  • Farkel


    : Never give out the names to the police or press of anybody in the Legal Dept.

    : Never refer to the Society as an entity in any letters that involve disfellowshipping. Verbal correspondence is safer.

    : All scanned forms and other documents or letters pertaining to the WTS must be erased from hard disks as soon as we arrived at our homes.

    : As soon as anybody is accused or confesses to child-abuse, say absolutely nothing but contact the Legal Dept by telephone immediately.

    : Never utter one word to the newspapers or police. Say to them - I must speak to my Lawyers first, and then telephone Legal Immediately. This includes any questioning over any refugees we may have in our congregations.

    "The Truth Shall Set You Free?" Guess not. Jesus was again overruled by the Mighty Watchtower Corporation.


    Edited by - Farkel on 2 September 2002 18:51:49

  • ARoarer

    Ash, that is awesome. They all know how wrong it is but still go along with the GB rather than stand up for what is right. They have no integrity.

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