Child Molestation and the Two Witness Rule

by garyneal 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • jamiebowers
    jamiebowers: I watch that video last night. It is terrible for all parties involved. Why penalize the victim and let the offender continue on without consequence makes little sense to me. I especially could not fathom why the elders in that one incident would not inform the victims family about the abuser when they knew about the abuse.

    Because bottom line, the Watchtower only supports members who fully submit to the authority of the organization. There is no right or wrong; only total submission.

  • truthseekeriam

    So true Jamie

  • garyneal

    JamieBowers: That is truly sad indeed. Hard for me to fathom and I'm sure my wife would disagree if I told her that fact.

    Heaven: I guess given my background that I find that hard to fathom also. That the WT is so bent on keeping it's 'perfect' image and keeping the masses believing that they are 'inspired by God.' I have noticed that my wife has this very high opinion of them and thinks that the GB is above reproach.

    greenie: You asked earlier how I will handle my daughter's religious education. I don't have a clear answer at this point. I will try to instill in her a desire to ask questions and to keep asking questions. She's already like this now (as most 3 year olds are) and I try to answer her to the best of my knowledge and understanding. I would tell her why I chose my 'religious' path and allow her mom to tell her why she chose hers. I will take her to church and allow her mom to take her to the meetings. I know this will confuse her in a sense but I will try to stick with the basics and leave out the dogmatic legalism that religious institutions like the WT like to add. I will explain to her why, in spite of the WT's assertions, I disagree with their policies concerning holidays, birthdays, and other things that the WT bans but has no clear basis in the Bible. And I will pray, pray that God blesses our marriage, protects our daughter, and gives us (mom and I) the wisdom to discuss our differences rationally and with mutual respect. Hopefully, we will be able to instill in her a love for God and for her fellow man. They say children come to us as they are and think there is certainly truth to this. But hopefully, our marriage will have some positive impact on her.

  • diamondiiz


    Proclaimers book is typical whitewashed history of the wts - you can check out freeminds ( Use only wts or court documents to show her history of wts. If you want any of the old ebooks I can get you links for most of the old stuff. If she can read Thy Kingdom Come book it will show a lot about what Russell really taught about 1874, 1799 and 1914 and the pyramid and so forth. That was his third book in the study in the scriptures and it helped me open my eyes to this religion. Since she was raised a jw but not baptised she probably won't look at any material other than wts so that's what you should use to show her. As I was doing my research I asked myself "When did God start directing wts as his organization?" and since Russell taught all the dates that are not used today it's obvious he wasn't guided or how could he be - would God guide him to teach false dates? Rutherford, the second president likewise taught same dates as Russell in the early years only to change everything to 1914 in the 1930s, in fact 1914 hasn't officially evolved into what it is today until 1943 in the salvation book is I remember correctly. Rutherford taught 1925 and encouraged reading Women and Angels, demon inspired book - was God guiding the organization through Rutherford? Doesn't make sense. Anyways hope some of these ideas will help you.

    ps: here is wts link that they settles pedophile lawsuits

  • Hiding Questioner
    Hiding Questioner

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    "I can't believe they've never heard or seen this stuff. You can bet your bottom dollar that there isn't a Catholic that hasn't heard about their sex abuse issues. How do they keep these people in the dark!!?!?"

    They keep them in the dark by completely ignoring this issue. I will never forget the meetings held after the NBC news broadcast on hidden sexual abuse in KHs of about a year ago. At the time I fully expended some form of response to the congregations in the form of an announcement and suggestions on how to respond at the doors...for surely this will come up and we need an accurately response or do we? Well...nothing! As time went on I felt so sorry for Pioneers who must blindly go door to door supporting the Borg with nothing from them to aid in their defense!


  • cantleave

    Gary, I have been lucky my wife read CofC and her eyes opened. You are doing the right things. Keep asking the questions, encourage he to be bereon like, challenge her to really investigate. You are bound to put some doubts in her head. Point out to her that many witnesses who leave continue to have faith in God, they are leaving an organisation not their faith.

    I wish you the best of luck,


  • Heaven

    After having a discussion with my father this past weekend, I have some clarification on the following:

    Recently, my father told me that his previous congregation had a pedophile amongst them and that this man molested a daughter of one of the JWs who happened to be a lawyer.

    The pedophile did not molest the lawyer's daughter. The pedophile molested his own daughter and the lawyer wanted to prosecute. The WTS did not agree but the lawyer insisted and so they disfellowshipped the lawyer. This all happened 30 years ago when I was a teen. My parents wouldn't talk about it in front of us. They just mentioned the disfellowshipping of the lawyer but would never say why. So my parents knew about this stuff for years and still went ahead and got baptized! Why would anyone decide to dedicate themselves to an organization that allows this stuff?!!

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