"Studies" are allowed to give talks?????

by Joshnaz 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    *** km 8/05 p. 1 par. 2 Part 12—Conducting Progressive Bible Studies ***
    2 Once a Bible student qualifies to be an unbaptized publisher, he is likely already taking full advantage of the Theocratic Ministry School. The training he receives in preparing and presenting student assignments will help him to develop the teaching skills that are needed...

    They don't have to be publishing yet to enroll on the school. I couldn't find any clarifying quotes on qualifications. However, I think it was a CO that explained that if they're doing something that would be considered a disfellowshipping offense, such a smoking, they shouldn't be on the platform, so they shouldn't be on the school.

  • blondie

    *** km 8/05 p. 1 par. 2 Part 12—Conducting Progressive Bible Studies ***

    Once a Bible student qualifies to be an unbaptized publisher, he is likely already taking full advantage of the Theocratic Ministry School.

  • flipper

    JOSHNAZ- I agree with JW FACTS- If your sisters boyfriend is unbaptized he can give talks, but not if he smokes. It would seem to me it would be pretty hard to hide the smell of nicotine off of his clothes wouldn't it ? I mean- I've never smoked - but if the dudes nervous and sweating giving his first talk - can you imagine the cologne he'll have to wear just to hide any cigarette smell ? LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • trueblue

    I was offered to give a talk when I was just in study by one Elder and I had to ask a different Elder for the talk and I was offended when the Elder acted hesitant and wanted to ask me stuff like, if I have any worldly girlfiends or if I smoked then wanted to have a meeting to see if I quallified.

    It offended me because one Elder was trying to get me to give a talk and the other was hesitant and if I did not no the rules I would not have asked so I quit going to the meetings for awhile.

    I went back some time later and I do beleive they have a set of questions for MS that are similar for unbaptized publisher.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Ok, we know what the policy is now but how about some critical analysis of it?

    It seems weird that you don't have to be baptized to address the entire congregation from the platform! What is the scriptural reasoning behind this?

    Can you imagine a first century Christian being allowed to do this without first having converted and been baptised? Of course first century Christians didn't have to endure 9-24 months of "study" before they were allowed to be baptized. And if they had baptism vows back then, they sure didn't say anything about dedicating yourself to a visible organisation.

    How come an "unbaptized publisher" (ie, uncommitted to the organisation) is allowed to give talks yet a baptized, committed Christian who has done something wrong and repented and is on private reproof is removed from giving talks?

  • blondie

    Smoking would be a barrier to being in the school:

    *** km 6/96 p. 5 par. 18 How to Make Disciples With the Knowledge Book ***By attending the Theocratic Ministry School and the Service Meeting, the prospective disciple can receive additional training and stimulus that will help him become a publisher of the good news. When he expresses an interest in enrolling in the school or becoming an unbaptized publisher, the principles that are set out on pages 98 and 99 of the OurMinistry book will apply. If an aspect of his life prevents him from qualifying, you can search in the Society’s publications for helpful material that bears on the matter and share it with him. For example, a student may be having difficulty overcoming an addiction to tobacco or other drugs. The Reasoning book points out strong Scriptural reasons why Christians avoid such harmful habits, and on page 112 it outlines a way that has proved successful in helping others to break free. Pray with him about the matter, teaching him to build his dependence upon Jehovah for help.—Jas. 4:8.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thanks Blondie. I knew there had to be something like that somewhere.

    Joshnaz, So the Reasoning book will help the guy stop smoking so he can qualify to recruit for the corporation. Yep, the same Reasoning book that says some of the generation that saw 1914 will survive armageddon. (p. 24, 234, 239) And the same Reasoning book that doesn't explain conscience-matter blood fractions, explains that Jehovah will slaughter every smoker very, very soon now. Wait, maybe the guy is only smoking tobacco fractions. That would be okay then, maybe.

    Good luck with your sister.

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