Lurkers! Beware The Witness Wicked Imagination!

by metatron 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pistoff


    I always secretly hoped you of all people were in on the Satanic adulterous orgies.


  • bigwilly

    While in andliving my life according to dub standards (being a "good sheep"), I was on the recieving end of some of the most outlandish and destructive gossip I've ever witnessed. The rumor mill extended for literally hundreds of miles and the local elder's felt it appropriate to believe it and subject me to a fair number of "library parties" due to this bullshit. Myself and many others of the same age group were constantly harassed as though we were criminals and overt sinners. Nothing could be further from the truth at the time. I chose to move and fade in another state more to break free of the rumors, backstabbing and harassment than anything else. For a good chunk of time while fading I still lived according to the JW lifestyle but was still treated as an outcast and a problem, so I left. Since that time I have explored what I wish to explore and have made my own decisions as to what is right and wrong.

  • flipper

    METATRON- I second every comment you made in this thread . Very well put. My sentiments exactly

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Its kind of impossible to be a described apostate who's opposed to the sinning and badly corrupt WTS organization wouldn't you

    think? Of course this all mentally instituted by the WTS. within their indoctrination process to thwart any dismantling of their power

    which would intentionally dismantle their financial support. $$$

    Honesty and a earnest search for the truth brought me out of this organization even though I was born into it.

    The truth really does set you free. .......and a little bit of fact based knowledge.

  • chickpea

    hate to break the record of exemplary conduct....

    but i will confess that i am an evil apostate

    every other month or so, i buy a quart of java chip
    ice cream and share it with NO ONE!!!! i HIDE it in
    the outside freezer under the frozen peas....

    i do it deliberately, with malice aforethought....
    i plan to continue doing it....
    i have no intention of repentance....

    please note: it is NOT 'jah-va' chip..
    he can get his own

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