Why is Ray Franz the only GB member to have ever resigned?

by yadda yadda 2 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • villabolo

    Yadda yadda 2: "Is the group so hopelessly homogenous, blindly loyal, and suffering from groupthink?"

    You answered your question yadda. Also I seem to recall that Ray Franz described the Governing Body as tending to be unanimous in their votes.

    I also recall that Ray stated that when some doctriinal matter or issue came along that he did not agree with he would abstain from voting which was within his rights as a member of the Governing Body to do. Then at that time a witchhunt began (due to the stress of their failed 1975 prophecy) throughout the JWs. A certain brother confronted Ray with a list of all the times he had abstained. It was downhill from there on. Ray was evicted from Bethel with a small sum of money and a trailer for him and his wife. He wasn't disfellowhipped but he was disgraced.

    Having no work skills because of his life long devotion to Bethel he was lucky to have found a disasociated JW friend who gave him permission to park his trailer on some land he had and a job at his grocery store. Then one day Ray was seen having dinner with his friend. This gave the elders of his local congregation the excuse they needed to disfellowship Ray. Ray's sin being that he hung out with a disasociated person. And this rule, that disasociated people be treated exactly the same as disfellowshipped persons, was made after Ray had gone out to dinner with his friend/employer/landlord. It was in essence applied retroactively. Ray Franz decided to resign instead of going through a judicial committee.

    Put in perspective, I think that if it had not been for the witchhunt Ray Franz would have stayed in the organization. He himself brought up in his book the case of an elderly man who was disfellowshipped for apostacy who had known all the way back to Rutherford that "Organization=God" in the JW mentality. Hence the question, why did he or anybody else stay in the JWs for so long knowing that the JWs were organization worshipping blasphemers? Ray himself admitted that he was not proud of the fact that he lasted that long in the organization. But the fact that he had abstained from voting in matters he did not agree with-which is a Governing Body privilege-at least indicates a modest amount of integrity and character, as georgiegirl put it.

    As for the rest of the Governing Body they are unlikely to have an ounce of it. They have been at Bethel almost all of their adult life and are too used to it. Like the JWs say "Where are you going to go?"


  • diamondiiz

    I agree that they wanted to get rid of Ray when they dealt with him at Bethal but it seemed that he was too well knowledged in the bible and they couldn't really make anything stick enough to push him out. Once he was on his own I'm sure they monitored his activity and their chance was to introduce new rule where disassociated members were to be viewed on the same level as disfellowshipped ones as they knew Ray was working for da individual and also living with one. They pushed the new BS rules through and got Ray on that - maybe sounds too conspiratorial but it sure appeared to be so.

    As already mentioned, majority of GB have it too easy and since they're not educated what else could they do? One doesn't need money to be rich if everything is taken care of especially when one is not educated as most of gb are. Besides, what hard word do GB do to deserve that honor? Vote on crap that has been dealt with so many times in the past hoping to sway the nay side over so the new light can shine again in their publications? I wouldn't call that a very physical lifestyle.

  • blondie
  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Interesting. I think it's a combination of factors that are covered by all these posts.

    I think after 2014 comes and goes there is going to be increasing tension within the GB that may lead to one or two more resignations.

  • inbetween

    imagine, you are probably a average guy, would never even get your 15 min of fame (warhol ), but through certain circumstances and your dedication and zeal you end up being in the government of 7 million people, and having the prospect of ruling over the entire earth (and angels perhaps)

    no, its probably not money, but power can be just as sexy as riches...

    on the other hand, there might be one or two like Ray, who stay, hoping to change some things from inside..who knows...

  • Lieu

    How many generational welfare recipeints get off? Honestly, these guys are one step above welfare queens, the difference being every now and then they send out a book for all the money they get. No charity, no food packages for needy 'friends', no building small homes for low income 'friends' [the ones they encouraged not to go to college], nothing, nada.

    They stay beause they don't want to have to get real jobs, pay rent, pay gas & electric, buy their own gas, have a car note, buy food, live in the real world .... those are scary things for people who have never had to do so.

    Like the catholic heirarchy, they are content to live in high security domiciles off of other people's money, while the majority of their "flock" can barely scratch together two nickels.

    Franz leaving was like leaving off of welfare. A brave thing to do considering his age at the time.

  • Newborn

    yes interesting question...I wonder if they sleep well at night and how they still manage to fool 7 million persons???!!!

  • blondie

    How old was Ray Franz in 1981 when he was df'd if he is 87 now--87-28 = 59?, just below the first retirement age level.

    Considering the age of Jack Barr and Jaracz, in 5 years could they be dead by then?

    All the resignations mentioned above (3) were for serious wrongdoing (or making them look bad) in the opinion of the GB. So what kind of wrongdoing would these new resignees be guilty of.

  • SaltaDoom

    Blondie, if you are looking to the name Greenlees, you find more information of him. Greenless of greenlees is the same person.


    elected as a director of the Society (New York corporation): yb66 290
    Gilead graduations: w83 11/15 31; w82 11/15 27; w78 5/1 31; g78 5/8 15; w76 288, 671
    Greenlees v. Attorney-General for Canada: yb79 142-143
    service in Canada: yb79 135-136, 162-163
    service tour to Spain: yb78 254
    visit to Cádiz prison (Spain): yb78 209

  • snowbird
    his Alamaba JC


    When my time comes, I wonder if I'll get one of those.


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