Dumbest Awake Title Ever?

by metatron 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p

    Violence Against Women -- What Is the Bible's View?

    Now THAT'S a classic. As if JW's moral centers' are so insubstantial that they need to consult the Bible to see if it's ok to beat their wives.

    Here's some more:

    A Balanced View of Indecent Exposure

    Pedophilia: Illness or Sin?

    A Godly View of "Repressed Memories"

    Young People Ask: "Should I Go to the Police?"

    Be a Spinster for Jehovah!

    Is Dating a Person of Another Ethnic Background Wrong?

    Younger Women: Do Not Count Out Older Brothers as Marriage Mates

    Young People Ask: "Why Am I Growing Hair on My Palms?"

    The Pitfalls of Purfume

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Stagnation-A Sign of God's Blessing!

  • daniel-p

    ROFL... or how about,

    Partaking: WTF People!? Stop Already!

  • dissed

    "My mommy has a squezze box and daddy plays it all night long"

  • InquiryMan

    Remember once: Is Sugar really sweet? or something like that.

    It was about slave trade . The story was interesting itself..

    I also remember that they got a letter to "From Our readers" making them aware that some of the illustrations had 20th century clothing...

    And they answered something like, they forgot to turn the clock back or something like that.

    When I was a JW, I especially liked the "critical" letters in that column

  • JimmyPage

    "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Or just plain burned out waiting for any of this shit to come true?"

  • goldensky

    All of you guys crack me up! You are SO hilarious!

    Is there anything intrinsically bad in music?

  • winstonchurchill

    Violence Against Women -- What Is the Bible's View?

    Now THAT'S a classic. As if JW's moral centers' are so insubstantial that they need to consult the Bible to see if it's ok to beat their wives.

    "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Or just plain burned out waiting for any of this shit to come true?"


  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Toenail Fungus - A Growing Concern.

  • Girlie

    Meth: Is it safe? What is the Bible's view?

    From our readers: Just how much money does the WTBTS extort from its adherents?

    Young People Ask: I don't like field service. Hell, I don't like JW period! Why can't I quit?

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