Did you ever feel dissatisfied by the quality of 'proof' from the FDS?

by bohm 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • neverendingjourney

    I think the thought process is pretty much what I outlined above. Your average JW who actually cares about doctrine believes that allowing oneself to entertain ideas critical of the WTBTS and their teachings is sinful and extremely dangerous to one's spiritual well-being. Adam and Eve were perfect people. Despite this, Satan was able to deceive Eve and convince Adam to follow suit and disobey God. If Satan could deceive perfect human being, how easy would it be for him to deceive us mere mortals?

    With this in mind, you learn to quickly disregard critical points of view. The WT likens these thoughts to poison that can infiltrate our system and destroy us spiritually. Apostates are villified, regarded as despicable, and hold the lowest rank in the JW hierarchy. The supersticious are led to believe that entertaining apostate ideas opens the door for the Satan's demons.

    The most you can do is add to the list of doubts the person refuses to entertain and hope that if/when that particular individual is ready to think for himself, he will look back and take your comments into consideration. The bottom line is, if a JW is a firm beliver and locked into the the WT's mind control, there's precious little you can do. A JW's mission is not to critically consider all the evidence and reach the most logical conclusion. It's to be a zealous advocate for the WTBTS.

  • Jadeen

    bohm, the new metal_floss magazine has an article about the chimp/human chromosome difference that goes along with that link. It also talks about how our mitochondria used to be bacteria that gave up independance to survive in our cells. It's an interesting magazine- you should check it out.

  • jaguarbass

    I always felt dissastisfied with evidence from the Wactower.

    Thats why I left the tower in 83.

    On your topic of evolution.

    Personally I have read many books.

    Books on physics, quantum physics, human anantomy.

    I think people believe what they want to believe.

    Including me.

    I think we adapt, and that is evolution.

    Based on all of the bullshxt in this world I havent bought that we all evolved from a common

    ancestor, yet.

    I have read many of the books, Darwin and Dawkins and seen you tube videos that convince

    many that we have.

    I dont think it matters what I think about evolution. I work in a jail. I am not a scientist.

    I dont know what the secret is to finding the truth.

    I do know the secret to determing what you believe.

    If you want to believe in evolution from a common ancesstor keep reading about it until you make up your

    mind that you believe that.

    The same goes if you want to believe in creation by a designer, keep reading about that until you make

    up your mind thats what you believe.

    If you want to be a science proffesor in a college. You better believe in evolution.

    If you want to be a preacher or teacher in a christian school you better beleive in design.

  • designs

    They get their education from Billboards!.....

  • teel
    What did you do? Did you just shrug it off as yourself not having enough understanding of the FDS's arguments? That satan was pulling the strings? That the FDS was 'dumbing down' things to make it easier for some to understand?

    Yes, indeed I was thinking that the FDS was 'dumbing down' things to make it easier for some to understand. I thought some arguments are not entirely convincing, but the more convincing arguments would be too hard for some. I presented some of my objections to my wife, and was labelled as an 'evolutionist' So I just shrugged it off and kept it to myself, thinking there must be some counter-arguments out there to these objections too. I still feel some JW (most probably ones in the writing comittee too) could conjure up better arguments in favor of doctrine than the ones printed.

  • Newborn

    Nope, I swallowed it all - unfortunately

    but I know much better now

  • mindmelda

    Over the years, I've heard many elders use public talks to further their personal views on many subjects, diet, education, child rearing, sex, work, etc.

    We had an elder that thought kids SHOULD go to college, at least long enough to get a good job, (because he had one and he made a good living, duh!) and during a talk he said. "Hey, you don't want to clean toilets and flip burgers all your life, do you?"

    Actually, I agree with this because it's realistic, of course, but he was forced by all the other elders to retract that comment at the next meeting because it wasn't in line with the FDS!

    Finally, someone says something intelligent from the platform and he's censored...go figure!LOL

    But, where the WTS lost me was when they tried to convince me that a bunch of old guys running a corporation who live in New York are the only people who know the will of God and are his voice on earth, the only source of "truth".

    Come on...how does that claim make them any different than any other religion that has it's saints, prophets, gurus, and messiahs or those who write their own "bibles" or insist they interpret the Bible for you?

    I can read...I don't need anyone to interpret the Bible or any other religious works for me, tell me how and what to think about God (who is accessible to all in many forms in many ways), and pretend to be some modern version of the 12 apostles or the Aaronic priesthood or whatever they're trying to play at, thanks anyway.

  • mindmelda

    If God made dinosaurs to make petroleum for humans to use, then why the hell did he put most of it in one place? Sounds like he was playing favorites to me!

    P.S. Does this mean God doesn't love America best? LOL

  • maninthemiddle

    Yes, indeed I was thinking that the FDS was 'dumbing down' things to make it easier for some to understand. I thought some arguments are not entirely convincing, but the more convincing arguments would be too hard for some.

    They have to dumb it down, because the more you think about it, the less sense it makes. It is hard to understand because most of it is not true, you can't argue with conjecture.

  • blondie

    Whenever someone says something off the wall from the platform, I would ask where in the publications there is basis for that. I would say that I needed to know in case I needed to explain it to a student of mine. Now stupid sayings in the publications, so what scripture is used here?

    *** g90 2/8 p. 11 What Happened to the Dinosaurs? ***

    When the dinosaurs had fulfilled their purpose, God ended their life. But the Bible is silent on how he did that or when. We can be sure that dinosaurs were created by Jehovah for a purpose, even if we do not fully understand that purpose at this time.

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