"Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are"

by journey-on 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird
    Sylvia! What does patiently putting up with JD's antics all the time the way you do say about you....that you are able to see the little child inside the man?...


    Even when he calls me names like racist, liar, darky, etc.


  • journey-on

    Thanks, Nikki. Is the picture you use for your avatar you and a friend?

  • beksbks

    It says that the opening quote is baloney.

  • Finally-Free
    Who in the heck has 10 year old jeans? I'm lucky to get 3 months out of a pair.

    Yeah, but some of us have more than one pair of jeans so we can change our clothes once in a while.



    You have a Harem Starter Kit..


  • journey-on

    Are you saying all your friends are female, Outlaw. Do tell.

  • Nowman

    Yes, journey on, that is me and a friend, I am on the right not wearing a strapless shirt (only cause my small girls will not fit into a strapless shirt). They can barely fit into my 32AAAAAA bra, LOL


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Even when he calls me names like racist, liar, darky, etc.

    Whoa now, I've never called you darky, nor liar. I've called you willfully delusional, and racist, and I stand by those, giving examples of the specific behavior that earns you those titles.

  • snowbird
    Whoa now, I've never called you darky, nor liar.

    John DoeRe: Can we blame our ancestors for our own shortcomings? posted 2 months ago (7/28/2009)
    Post 11026 of 12515
    Since 4/11/2005
    No, but for the most part, it makes us more tolerant and forgiving of the mistakes of others - even those who were paramount in our mistreatment.

    Sylvia, you are one of the biggest liars here. Do you really believe the tripe you spew?

    I am still searching for the "darky" bit.


  • BurnTheShips

    "Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are"

    That is what my grandmother and my father would tell me.

    "Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres"

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