All right, do JW's REALLY do not marry outside of their faith?

by dgp 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    "It's a loving provision" Yuck, I just spit up a little.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    It is loving....i said from both viewpoints.

    If your hubby was still jw or your wife, you saying you wouldnt mind?

    Thats all im saying.

  • mrsjones5

    I wasn't talking about the sentiment. I meant the jw speak, or should I say double speak. Like nails across a chalkboard.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    oh ok...sorry and thanks :)

    ((hugs)) and slice of pizza

  • mrsjones5

    Thanks, funny we're having pizza tonight. Mama's tired and doesn't want to cook.

  • Heaven

    I have a friend (at least 2nd gen dub) who married a non-JW man and one of my cousins (3rd gen dub and now dead) married a non-JW man.

    edited to add: dgp, pardon my manners....Welcome to the Board! I, too, am not a JW but have family and friends who are.


    The WBT$ discourages Jehovah`s Witness`s from..

    Marrying non Jehovah`s Witness`s..

    It`s Religous Inbreeding..

    Soon all Jehovahs Witness`s will look like these two..

    Even the JW Women!..

    ................ ...OUTLAW

  • dgp

    Just for information:

    Children would be out of the question. She's 45 and her youngest child is 20. I always knew we wouldn't have children if we made it.

    I know about disfellowshipping and what it entails. I just wondered whether marrying me would really bring disfellowshipping, or what. It would be serious trouble, now I know.

    We were not in a committed relationship. I met her when she was very unhappily married. Later, she obtained a scriptural divorce. She was married to an elder who had a mistress, and the man lost everything, it seems. I assume she got the information to get the divorce, which also means she told the other elders about it.

    We became closer and closer, sentimentally, and I could see that something was bringing her to me but something else was pushing her away. It seems it was not an easy fight to fight.

    I accepted going to a Kingdom Hall with her, and went there as respectfully as possible, with a tie and all. I have taken her literature and discussed it frankly, though I know that I won't convert, on a principle, and on the basis of the information I have, for example from this site. On a principle, because you should not accept a religion only because you happen to like the woman's bosom, but because you think it is right, and that I know the religion is not (with my excuses to the active JWs who think otherwise). She knows I wouldn't mind her being religious. She knows I'm an atheist, sometimes half religious, but knows I don't oppose her faith.

    Oompa, I always like you! Yes, I would very much like to do as you suggest. I don't think I would ever get a chance, however, as she wouldn't do such a thing. And maybe I wouldn't, either. It would feel like forcing her to come my way, and that would not be a solid foundation for a relationship. Just as I would need to go to her on my own, she would need to come to me on her own, fully convinced that this is what she wants. I know this is not what she wants, after all is said and done.

    I don't think she played with me. I believe she did like me, and let herself get carried away for some time.

    Angel Eyes, I understand what you say. But I will beg to disagree this time. It's not a loving thing to consider another person unworthy of marriage just because he doesn't happen to share your beliefs. I know where JW's conclude this from, but, still, I don't think it is right. It is an extreme of sectarianism, in my way of thinking: "us" and "them". But I respect your point of view.

    I want to hear more from people who would want to give their opinions. Thank you!

  • mrsjones5

    Jws marry outside the bOrg all the time. It has happened and will continue to happen because the pool of possible mates is so small. My mother did it 47 years ago though my father converted 3 years later. A cousin did it 20 years ago but her hubby never converted, he did study once but got turned off because of an incest scandal in the congregation he was attending with my cousin - presently shows no signs of converting.

  • scotinsw

    The woman your friend married is not baptised and therefore wouldn't be considered a JW by JWs so doesn't count.

    It does happen - one of my friends who is a witness recently married a former witness. I know a few people mainly sisters who married "outside the Lord". Doesn't happen very often though.

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