Could this be the end ?

by Ralph47 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Erich


    Wait until next week.

    If the EURO then has fallen under 60US-cent because of complete breakdown of trade and economy in Europe caused by total chaos and rejection of the new currency, then you've been right...;-) lol

  • ChimpGirl

    If you're listening to The Doors, it could well be. Try listening to the lyrics harder. If they go like this 'This is the end, beautiful friend, the end', then you're right, it is.

  • Ralph47

    Well lets try to get through this world first now !

  • rhett

    So there are problems in the world. Big woop. Life is better now than it ever has been in the history of the world. I would rather be living now than at any other time.
    As for the 1914 crap, well, its crap.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • toddy

    Ralph,i bet the dubs were saying this during the cuban missile crisis and during the great depression in the 20's and during world war one & two,i could go on and on and on and on and get my drift!

  • mike047

    RHETT, There have and always will be problems, But I would rather live in a time that was of a simpler life and was not as fast paced. I don't think that at this time 1914 is of any significance. The End? No, probably a beginning.

  • Francois

    What do we think? I dunno what WE think, but what I think is that there's not going to be any "end of the world" like the JWs contemplate. Never - ever - noway - no time - no how.

    Well, actually, in four or five billion years, when our sun is about to go supernova, the Great Absolute Reality will have to take the population of this planet somewhere else. He doesn't want "even one" of his children to be cheated of the chance to make a descision concerning their universe career and whether or not their will is to do the will of the father.

    The end? I'm sure the Christians that were hiding out in Rome thought that the end was imminent when Alaric was at the gates, but they like you, were just looking through the wrong end of the telescope.

    My two cents.


  • BluesBrother

    Lets say this is genuine question.

    I believe the media and politics have over reacted to the whole 11/9 events; and that is no disrespect to anyone who has been personally affected. But just George Bush Snr's "New world order" I have a hunch that things will settle down once this episode is over.

    We have expected the end for so long. Jesus said ,"No one will know day and hour" and gave a list of signs that can be applied to pretty much any time since then.

    I lived 40 years of my life, in the naive belief that the end was imminent and would put everything right for the world and in my life. Know I have woken up to the fact that it is just never going to happen - or if it does its not the way the J W's teach it.

    Think about it ,sure. but never let it rule your life.

  • wheelwithinwheel

    Hey Ralph!

    Just happened to meet a local elder here and he gave me this same end stuff that’s worrying you. He must of counted 20 minutes with me. Recited all the old stuff, leaving out the WT badcalls and then adding a new one - the Anglo-American pact against terrorism. Has a good ring to it I thought. Should get a lot of tired witnesses cracking! Told me there was just one verse left to be fulfilled. Didn’t elaborate on which verse and I didn’t bother to ask.

    Reminded me of years back when we were all spouting the one verse left dogma, after the attack of the King of the North died out. The verse was Peace and Security.

  • Ralph47

    Ok: let me ask you this. When do you think the great tribulation will begin ? (note i am asking your opinion!)

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