These Girls Are Unfreakingbelievable!

by Robdar 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Bendy, athletic people do not excite you?

    Not if they're children or fully clothed.

  • Robdar
    Not if they're children or fully clothed.

    Ya big silly! I didn't mean excite you sexually.

    ~Backs away from JD. ~

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    So, when you make "porn references" you're not talking about sexual excietement? About what are you talking?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Here's a prime example of jokes that go too far and become arguments.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Here's a prime example of jokes that go too far

    Sounds like a good marker for Rob's tombstone.

  • Robdar

    It was OTWO that started the porn reference and all other comments seemed to be in the same pun although not always intentionally.

    How's your butt? Tuckered out after that big stool you took a photo of?

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    How's your butt? Tuckered out after that big stool you took a photo of?

    Actually, I've been waiting patiently for a big stool to take a picture of, if you must know.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Can we just agree to stop this? I will start. No references of pornography by me were intended toward any individual.
    For the sake of getting along, I will not post here anymore.

  • yknot

    A great deal more modest but just as energetic as cheer!

    Thanks for posting.....

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Can we just agree to stop this?


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