Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Use the Term "Manmade Religions"?

by Cold Steel 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • trueblue

    I believe that JW are man made because they keep having to change the rules, and I do not beleive God would approve beating on children.

    Sorry I have a simple mind.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Well, we know that most critics believe the church to be manmade, but what do Witnesses believe?

  • GLTirebiter
    But now comes Charles T. Russell. No revelations. No visions. No divine guidance of note. Just a Bible student.

    CT Russell received his revelation from the "stone witness": the great pyramid of Giza. The Society seems to find that embarassing; they don't mention it any more. I first read about it in chapter 15 of Martin Gardner's Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science. Russell and others went to great lengths to force the dimensions of the edifice agree with their prophecies (such as measuring the passages in "Pyramid Inches", when regular inches didn't match the desired outcome). It would all be amusing, if not for the Watchtower leadership taking it seriously and getting their followers to blindly follow them down this dead-end path.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The JWs are taught that in 1919 they were selected by Jesus to be God's sole channel of communication on earth today. Therefore, they are the only religion that is not 'man made'.

  • etna

    Unfortunately, the JWs change there veiw on so many things and when their "prophecies" don't come true they either don't ever mention it or say there is new light. I would like to ask some. anyone what has happened to the King of the north and King of the south "prophecy"?


  • hamsterbait

    They are trying to imly that THEIR religion is "God Made".

    Rather like Communist E. Germany and other communist state calling themselves the "Peoles DEMOCRATIC Republic".


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