Does the Watchtower place itself above Jesus?

by sacolton 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Opus92

    Deputy Dog nailed it. By making themselves the intermediary between the masses and god, they've replaced Jesus altogether. Check out the literature -- Jesus sure doesn't get as much ink as the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

    I won't be surprised if they say that Jesus was just the sacrifice needed to create the Watchtower organization.

  • WTWizard

    They force themselves to be idols. You are to do whatever the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger writes for you to do, without questioning them. You are to do whatever the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery (which the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger runs) tells you to, without questioning the validity of what they are telling you. To me, that is the most blatant form of idolatry there is.

  • PSacramento

    Jesus gave a commandment, to baprize in the name(singular) of the father, the son and the Holy spirit.

    The WT CHANGED that, the inserted their organization in the baptizmal rites.

    They changed and overruled the words of the Son of God.

    Enough said.

  • deep-blue-sea

    The Wathtower leads people to apostasy: The Creator is Jehovah, thanks to God they still believe to the Ramson Sacrifice of Jesus, but it is, thanks to them, that we can understand the Bible, then? They perhaps feel to be THE HOLY SPIRIT, who gives light on the scriptures..........


  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    Thanks Salcaton: I'm adding this one to my list of the Organization replacing Jesus.

    Angel eyes: Regarding the organization being the mother, is this quote recent enough?

    "The woman" is not Eve but Jehovah’s heavenly organization, the mother of his spirit-anointed servants on earth.(Galatians 4:26) Watchtower, June 1, 1996 page 9

    Not sure if the following would apply.

    They were cut off from the spiritual light of God’s organization, 1989 Live Forever, chapter 10, page 9

    But consistently, from the early 1920’s until now, they have done so. In more recent times, in 1955, a further exposé of the clergy class was made by the worldwide distribution in many languages of a booklet entitled ChristendomorChristianity—WhichOneIs"theLightoftheWorld"? Revelation Climax chapter 21, page 141

    Above quotes are taken from the Watchtower Library 2003 CD

  • kurtbethel

    I see the Watchtower still promotes the worship of the pagan "Queen of Heaven".

    Wouldn't Jesus be proud?

    Queen of Heaven

  • blondie

    *** w01 6/15 p. 26 Be Joyful With the Kingdom Hope! ***Brother Lösch concluded by saying: "In order to remain spiritually protected, we must remain under the wings of Jehovah. This means that we must not develop a spirit of independence. Let us always stay close to Jehovah and his motherlike organization, not separating ourselves from their direction and loving counsel."

    *** w98 6/1 p. 23 Shouldering Responsibility for Family Care ***Jehovah’s motherlike organization diligently fulfills its responsibility to prepare delightful spiritual meals served through its publications and at the meetings of the more than 85,000 Christian congregations worldwide. Thus, with spiritual help from our Father, Jehovah, and his motherlike organization, even the "fatherless" will enjoy some measure of Bible study.

    *** w69 4/1 p. 206 par. 17 Make Your Advancement Manifest by Responding to God’s Word ***Do you pay attention to Jehovah’s motherlike organization so as to make proper advancement?

    *** w59 6/15 p. 369 par. 7 Meeting Today’s Needs of the Sheep ***Young sheep must be wanting Jehovah God their Father and Jehovah’s motherlike visible organization.

  • villabolo

    From what I've learned about ancient Israel Jehovah did have a wife. Her name was Asherah, a queen goddess. She was deposed in the minds and scriptures of Israel's later priesthood for theological reasons. Basically, what the WBTS has done is to transform itself into Jehovah's wife. Imagine the governing body as a bunch of old men dressed in drag and Jehovah as her p*ssy whipped husband and you'll get the picture.


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