Is this an act of a deranged Pioneer JW?

by dissed 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    Steve2 is right . There is no reason to think that there is any J W connection here...They do not corner the market in nutcases. Let's not live out the "apostate stereotype" even if we know it to be tongue in cheek.

    NB I Google News'd the story and he does not look like any dub that ever called on me...

  • SixofNine
    I think it's obvious that this man was either mentally disturbed or under the influence. He tried to bite someone's leg!

    Judgemental much? We all get hungry sometime.

  • Finally-Free

    The only thing that's urgent in a typical JW's "ministry" is the drive to the nearest donut shop.


  • straightshooter

    I have known a couple of jw who went off the deep end. I have known of one brother who took his clothes off and ran down the street yelling that Armageddon was here. The police picked him up and I never saw him since.

  • carla

    My jw did something like that to a relative, basically had the person in a situation where they could not leave or escape. When the person was finally free and felt some relative safety they told him, 'I don't want to hear any more of that shit!!". The person who this happened to has forgiven him but we all still talk about it on occasion and will never forget he did that. My jw does not remember it happening that way but then again his memory has been severely tampered with by the cult.

  • dissed

    Steve 2 - Blues Bros

    Acually, if you could get by your old JW judgmental ways, you might actually learn a few things from the post. Are we now practicing a 'form of censorship' by saying it doesn't belong here?

    I appreciate your opinion, even if it is slightly off the wall. Thanks for your comments. I will try to be slightly less offensive the next time.

    Dissed - Doing his part to help people to the real truth, one post and comment at a time.

  • Saoirse

    According to this article the man suffers from Tourette's. It sounds like he's just a poor soul with a mental illness, not a hardcore bible thumper.

  • WTWizard

    This sounds more like some fundamentalist Christian than a witless--though there are witlesses that are really this determined to harass people into the cancer (like the slimebag that I had the misfortune of studying with).

  • snowbird
    (like the slimebag that I had the misfortune of studying with).

    No need to doubt where you stand, Wizard!


  • SirNose586

    All the deranged pioneers I knew couldn't afford a plane ticket, much less their subsidized rent. That rules it out from being a dub.

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