Is this an act of a deranged Pioneer JW?

by dissed 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • dissed

    Someone arrested on a plane for preaching the Bible.

    Who would be so stupid so as to quote the Bible incessantly to the person sitting next to him? Then refusing to let the passenger get up from their seat until they finished preaching, so as not to acquire blood guilt? And finally going beserk when he refused to stop, biting another passenger?

    The moment I read this, I had my suspicions. Does that sound like the doings of a deranged Pioneer JW, desparate for hours, and feeling the end is so close that 'they MUST preach to a captive audience' or in this case, a 'kidnapped' one?

    Before you rule that out, think of the frustration JW's are going through. Never finding people at home, wasting hours upon hours, preaching the good news, (although not actually talking) holding deep inside this wonderful message of everyone is going to be killed horribly very soon.

    In reality, its like they have become like a bottle of soda pop, shaken up, ready to explode. Or perhaps more like this. Visualize the little boy having to pee holding his wee wee, saying, "I gotta go, I gotta, I gotta go soooo bad!!" If you can, then you understand the utter and deep frustration the JW's are holding inside. They can't help it, they are ready to explode any second.

    Finally a chance to share this wonderful news of mankinds extermination, and BAM! the JW explodes with enthusiasm. "Did you know God's Kingdom is ruling invisibly? The signs are so obvious with all the terrible things its bringing to mankind. Isn't JG so loving to cause this suffering?" The unfortunate passenger probably just nodded their head and Whamo! that's all the JW needed to see, 'they were interested'! The angels must have sent them to me!

    When the passenger feigned, 'they had to go to the restroom, the JW would have retorted, "Damn it! We don't have time for that! The end could happen before we land!"

    When the flight crew restrained him, he would reason, "I'm being persecuted!", so he did what any JW would do, resort to Theocratic Warfare and bite the crew, yelling "Satan has a hold on you, but I'm biting you in the name of Jehovah of Armies!"

    Well, that's my educated guess as to what might have happened. And to think, I typed this up between my first and second cups of coffee.,2933,565582,00.html?test=latestnews

  • isaacaustin

    I doubt it...most JWs are so dumbed down now it is simply push the lit and run....

  • blondie

    I have met non-jws (when I no longer attended the KH) who kept quoting scriptures incessantly and would not let me walk away. jws don't have a corner on this.

  • Georgiegirl

    No, I don't think so. Most JWs are trained that the majority of people they preach to won't listen - "I'm not interested" - see Reasoning Book canned response on page xx. The vast majority are NOT that concerned with actual saving of lives AND would quickly run out of scriptures to quote. I seriously doubt it was a witness.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Maybe they saw a creature on the wing of the plane, and that's why they went berserk.

  • sir82

    Nah, a pioneer would have just left a tract in the airport bathrooms before and after the flight, and counted all the time in-between!

  • dissed

    I could picture John Lithgow as a JW going beserk on the plane.

  • jookbeard

    Fundy Christians can be just as deranged , if not more

  • isaacaustin

    perhaps a self-proclaimed deranged pioneer?

  • DJK

    Islamic or Baptist would be my guess.

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