Did the sun stand still and go backwards up the steps?

by TJ - iAmCleared2Land 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rabbit

    Also, it must be regarded as very strange, to say the least, that an almost identical story is related in the book The Harmony of Science and Scripture by Harry Rimmer. But that book was first published in 1936! In a chapter entitled “Modern Science and the Long Day of Joshua” Rimmer refers to a book written in 1890 by a Professor C. A. Totten of Yale and claims that it “establishes the case beyond the shadow of a doubt.”

    Wow! The WT debunked the 'missing day' story ??? Quick...where is their article that debunks that old WT story that Jehovah lives on a planet in the Pleiades constellation ?

    On the other hand, it is possible that the sun, moon and earth all continued on in their regular movements, but that the light from sun and moon ceaselessly shone by some form of refraction that we do not now understand.

    Three possibilities out of how many unknown? It is IMPOSSIBLE to say.

    Judge Dread

    Possibility #4. WUI (Writing Under the Iinfluence) i.e., plain old drunk, wormwood wine, pot, shrooms...take your pick.

  • VM44

    "God could, as Creator, if he wished, stop the motions of the whole solar system."

    How does The Watch Tower writer know this?

  • Rabbit
    God could, as Creator, if he wished, stop the motions of the whole solar system.

    Or, he could stop the motion of only the earth so that sun and moon appeared to remain in the same position as viewed from the earth.

    On the other hand, it is possible that the sun, moon and earth all continued on in their regular movements, but that the light from sun and moon ceaselessly shone by some form of refraction that we do not now understand.

    Three possibilities out of how many unknown? It is IMPOSSIBLE to say.

    Judge Dread


    I know how He did it !!! It IS the simplest explanation, too ! He simply had Jesus fly around the earth really, really fast against its rotation -- just like Superman !

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