Mom puts heat on my daughter

by purplesofa 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa


    We already found out a few years ago that my brother was not of the same father as my sister and I.

    Apparently she had an affair. I specifically remember my Dad being at the hospital with my Mom when my brother was born.

    I wonder if he ever knew it was not his son.

    They did divorce a few years later. She only let us have contact with him once over the years. I have not seen him since I was 11.

    As an adult he did look for us children, what I was told he was dying and had money to give to us.

    My mother denied us contact with him then too,

    I think my Mother has alot of dirty little secrets.

    I think she hides in the organization, it makes her feel good about herself. I don't know.


  • purplesofa

    Thank-you all for you comments.

    I have to post that if not for my daughter I would not have seen things as I did to leave the organization.

    I don't have time right now to post all I want, have to get to work.

    I love my daughter very much.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Having trouble seeing all the replies. Sometimes one more reply clears that up. So here it is.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Well done Purplesofa's daughter.

    Jw's can't see any other 'choice' as acceptable outside the organization. Don't be too hard on your mom. Robotically minded captives is what the Watchtower churns out. Some of us are lucky enough to retain sanity and get away in time.

    Good job on getting your daughter out intact.



  • babygirl30

    My mother has done this from day 1 of my being DF'd...she tries to 'guilt' me into sticking it out and/or coming back. At first it was "because u made a dedication to Jehovah", which is 14. How can I be held accountable for a lifelong decision I made at 14 with NO real knowledge of anything in life??? NExt it turned into "well ALL the 'friends' miss u - Bro X asked about you, Sis Y said she misses you, Bro Z wants to know when ur coming back - see - they all MISS u so much and were so hurt when u were DF'd" blah blah blah....if they miss me so much, they would call or email me to see how I'm doing - right? Her last comments were then directed to threatening my life and HER love "well if u don't do what u know is right u will lose ur life, is that what u want? You need to get ur life together or else I cannot have anything to do with u - it bothers my conscience." WELL mom (and dad) - it bothers MY conscience that u both try to emotionally blackmail me into coming back and doing something I do not want to do....all for 'love'? REALLY?

    I think it's deplorable when JW's use 'angles' to get at people...using kids as 'messengers' is wrong! What kind of grandparents would try to demean their own CHILD in front of their grandkids?? UGH!!!!! That is a sure sign of manipulation.

  • purplesofa

    thanks again

    I see more how this worked with my Mom, the manipulation.

    She thought she would put a wedge between my daughter and I, but it did not work.

    She has to grieve that her own children do not give her the attention and support she wants, because she does not give it without a pricetag.

    My daughter and I have a bond that my Mom cannot penetrate. Not to the core anyway.

    She may disrupt us, but not break us.


  • lisavegas420

    I can read down to my post...then hintoflime's post..but I can't read anything after that even though I know several have posted since. I couldn't get down far enough to get to the posting box, I had to hit the reply button at the top of the page.

    I'm just hoping that this will allow me to read the other posts after mind.

    sorry for the interuption..please carry on.


  • DJK

    "then my Mom argues with her and says she could not have gone out in service as she was never baptised"

    Oh how I wish that were true. I might not have been dragged out into service every weekend from the age of four till I was 18. I never baptised. True is, children were used as tools in the field service. Your the same tool, baptised or not.

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