Proof the GB does not really believe the end is comming.....

by Albert Einstein 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    If you were a leader of a small group that should survive a worldwide disaster and will be left on their own, not being able to use now common services would you:

    a) encourage your members to learn all possible skills and to get all possible today available education, maybe even organized "who will learn what" to cover really every aspect of future life and to be really prepared ....


    b) discurage your members from education, letting them just sit home or at meetings and keep repeating: "The end is comming, The end is comming ... Be ready, the end is comming..."

    By choosing b) GB proves they do not really believe Armageddon is comming ....

    What do you think rank and file opinion is on that? Do they believe angels will build bridges and houses and will make clothes and shoes in the NW?


  • Lieu

    ...out in FS, I recall the pioneers taking "dibs" on people's houses. I was under the impression they felt as though the houses and stuff would remain.

    Even if infrastructure remained, who is qualified to keep things working? [powerplants, water systems, communication etc.] Is everything supposed to just pop into everyone's mind?

    Can't imagine where they get those thoughts from ... ?

  • dissed

    If they take possession of all these used things, won't they be afraid that these things are possessed by demons?

  • TheClarinetist

    Umm... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the demons are supposed to be bound with Satan.

    Also, the assumption behind this line of reasoning is that they would live the way we live today... I always imagined a much simpler, more sustainable existance when I was a dub. One that could happen without a lot of edufication. LoL

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Of course they'll crow about how the RBCs are now so well trained that dubs are really ready to build after the big A. Problem is, where will the electricity, gasoline, and supplies come from?

    It will truly be chaos since the RBCs don't know how to install windows, but hundreds of dubs are only qualified to wash windows.

    From what I learned at Bethel with their construction and equipment plans for years in the future, you SAY armageddon is coming soon, but you ACT like it is hundreds of years away.

  • Gayle

    They preach the end is imminent, yet their works show otherwise. They have building, construction, moving plans, selling Brooklyn property plans for the next ten years.

  • WTWizard

    How many things do they plan 4 or 5 years out, while preaching that the end is coming in a matter of a few months or a year at most?

  • sir82

    Standard JW answer when confronted with dilemmas such as this:

    "Jehovah will miraculously [fill in the blank]. Don't worry about it. Praise Jehovah!"

    In this case:

    "Jehovah will miraculously provide food, shelter, clothing, etc., as he did for the Isrealites when they escaped Egypt. No need to educate ourselves now. Don't worry about it. Praise Jehovah!"

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Hardly proves they don't think the end is coming. You don't need a university degree to survive the end of the world and rebuild society. Won't be any need for lawyers or doctors in the new system, or business analysists or computer programmers or MBA grads.

    There are plenty of tradesmen in the organisation. Their quickbuild programme would be invaluable in rebuilding society.

  • cameo-d

    All the survivors will go to live in Organization directed "green" smart cities. The utility services will not be widespread. It will just be in designated areas.

    There is no need to teach survival skills. All of the plans have already been made.

    While others are being trampled and dying, the Special Ones will be in their Utopian retreat growing hydroponic vegetables while everyone else starves. It's a peaceful annhilation. Everyone else just gets cut off. And it will be said they deserve it because they did not follow Jehovah.

    You will not have the freedom to "choose" the house you had dibs on. All the Jws will be living in a paradise compound. You will put x number hours toward work at the compound. The kids will probably be rounded up and live together like a boarding school type existence. There will not be a family unit anymore.

    You will all be drinking PharmaWater which will subdue any animal instincts, so it will be no big deal to you that men and women will have separate quarters on different sides of the compound.

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