You are feeling sleepy...very sleepy...

by highdose 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    it occured to me today that while all of you guys were noticing all the "new light"s and flip flops from the society, i didn't while i was in. i've asked other dubs that i know and they are not aware of it either. and i think i figured out a large part of why. Every kingdom hall i've ever been in has been A) windowless B) incredibly stuffy. In fact in my hall there was a ban on having the doors open in the summer, now it was scorching tempretures for the UK, and the air con didn't work, so you just sat there roasting and trying not to fall asleep! i'm wondering now if this is part of the master plan??? I always wondered as well why most of the conventions where outdoors and in the summer, Cystal place...Twickenham...Bournemouth...Gillingham...all spent swealtering in plastic seats. and i don't think i heard one word in ten, was just trying to make it through the day...

    Think about it, if you can't concentrate due to the conditions you are in, then you won't notice what is happening right under your nose will you?

    Course this could just be my own expericance... will be interesting to see...??

  • Heartbreaker

    I think it's much like Charlie Browns teacher "Wah wwah wwwah wah wwwah" You've heard the same droning tone over and over and over, that unless they say it's an announcement, or there is dramatic pause, you don't even focus in the pupils. And even then, you realize it's just a change in verbage of the same stuff they've been saying for years. Decades even.

  • cantleave

    Have you noticed at Hayesbridge and Bristol you can't fall asleep without being noticed by at leasr 10 people in your congo. Bournemouth is great, you go to your car turn the radio on and pass out for 3 and half hours.


    I noticed it as a teenager..

    I found out..

    It was`nt in my best interests,to say a word..



  • mrsjones5

    I'm a born-in, went til I was about 21. I can't for the life of me really can't remember anything from the hall other than a few snippets. I do remember 1975 being important, the prohibition of oral sex, and how goddamn long the closing prayers of the assemblies (why the change of assemblies to conventions?) were. Thank goodness for bound volumes and the internet.

  • bluecanary

    According to Steve Hassain in Combatting Cult Mind Control, this is a typical cult tactic. They speak in monotone and use environmental control to put listeners into a trance-like state. I don't think JW speakers are chosen with that purpose in mind, but the good results they get (indoctrinated drones) is probably enough to keep them as speakers.

  • dissed


    This is very true. In fact, you can still use this technique to fall asleep if you have insomnia.

    Lay back in bed and visualize yourself at the DC on hot day, listening to the monotone speaker. (words not important)

    Picture yourself getting sleppy. That's it, now breath deep and slow. Its hot, its warm, the talk is boring. Your eyes are now heavy.

    Don't fight, go with the feeling of drifting off. You are now floating with the clouds.....You are now in a deep sleep.

    You will be awakened with the sound of soft applause and an elbow to your ribs from your wife.

  • LouBelle

    Yes I was kind of dull to it while in and not thinking, but when that little spark was ignited things were really so obvious.

    What I noticed .... a friend sent me a clip from one of the assemblies he attended not so long ago - there is a different sing song drone to the talks - so much so that it must switch off certain parts of the brain. I only noticed that now - being out of the faith for so long.

  • nelly136

    to this day lectures and droning talks still send me into an altered state of zzzzzzzzzz

    i cannot listen to lectures or audio tapes and a various other lecture situations without totally zoning out. i had to ban talking tapes from my car after a droner put me to sleep in the time it took to drive down a motorway slip road.

  • designs

    The Society missed a huge opportunity in expanding their message to tell their members to help out in the communities they live in.

    They just are not engaged in the real needs of people and their surroundings. Loyalty and door to door service are very narrow themes to try and build a strong movement on.

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