by WuzLovesDubs 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel


    :Valium anyone?

    Nice "fuck you", but it won't work with me.

    Don't need valium. Need some good and practical and workable and ORIGINAL ideas. You are fine at pasting and cutting the ideas of OTHERS, but do you have any yourself, or is that one of your limitations? It's okay if it is.

    Got any?


  • villabolo
  • villabolo

    Farkel, I had put in a lenthy response to your challenge only to have it disappear by a computer glitch. It's getting late over here so I'll leave till tomorrow.


  • Gopher

    But Bizzy Bee, when Reagan was undercutting the school lunch programs across America, at least reasonable people prevented ketchup from being counted as a "vegetable" (one of Reagan's great ideas). (But the corporations still got ushered into schools with their Coke machines and Pizza Hut lunches for kids -- better than funding school lunches through regular taxes, right?)

  • BizzyBee


    If you are implying that Reagan was a blatant corporatist whore.....well......there you go again. John Adams, our second president, once famously said: "Facts are stubborn things." In 1988, Ronald Reagan famously said: "Facts are stupid things." That explains a lot.

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    The only devastation that Bush did was to your socialist, utopian fantasy.

  • kurtbethel

    I might buy it if I saw the troops coming home from Iraq.

  • Yizuman

    The only reason Obama is getting this prize is because he's working hard to destroy America that these people hate and the best way to do it is to destroy the value of the American dollar. Once that's done, our Government collapses, the people in chaos, with Capital Hill burning (again, remember 1812) while Obama and his family flies off in the Air Force One to Europe to stay for the rest of their natural lives.

    Sounds like a great prize.


  • villabolo


    "The only reason Obama is getting this prize is because he's working hard to destroy America that these people hate and the best way to do it is to destroy the value of the American dollar."

    Yiz, substitute Satan for Obama and Satan's organization for Socialism and you get the picture. Some people swap one religion/ideology for another religion/ideology.

    Mad Dawg:

    "The only devastation that Bush did was to your socialist, utopian fantasy."

    Mad, here we go again with the Socialist . As far as utopia is concerned this is a Dystopia. All your statement means is that you don't want to make this a better world and you mock those who do. If we can land on the moon we can make this a much better world, the sarcastic label of utopian notwithstanding.


    PS: Thanks for the congratulations on my 1,000th post Ninja.

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