Depression in the Org.

by ssn587 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus100

    I can certainley figure out what's going on. Let me re-iterate:

    When you are depressed, it's your mind telling you that something is wrong. When you are depressed all the time, you need to figure out what is wrong and make it right. I wonder if living in a cult has anything to do with it, JW lurkers... (duh!).

    If you are on AD's and you are not seeking out counselling then you will probably be on those AD's for a very very long time, if not the rest of your life. Medicating yourself does basically nothing long-term.

    Also, AD's are among the most overprescribed medicine on the planet. (arguably)

    And A-typical cult member... I'm depressed - better get on them and wait for the "New System" (tm), hail bob, the Bagwan, (insert cult belief where applicable). Whatever you do, don't go and actually TALK TO A TRAINED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL about it and PURSUE ALL TREATMENT. Jeez, that would just make sense.

    Brain-dead drones, the lot of them.

  • wantstoleave

    Depression is rampant amongst the witnesses, and even those who have left the organisation but can't find 'their way' so to speak. It's really sad. And what I've found over the years is that out of a congregation full of elders, only 1 if you're lucky, understands mental illness. Most dismiss it. Others don't even try to alleviate the situation. They think that going to meetings and being on field service will be a miracle cure all. It becomes a vicious cycle where you're told to do more in Jehovah's service, but you can't, so become more depressed. I've seen it happen many times.

    I've noticed too that seeking professional help is discouraged by the brothers. Their take is that the psychologist or psychiatrist is 'worldly', therefore will only offer guidance that goes against bible principles. Instead they suggest more prayer, more service and that Jehovah will sustain you. Easier said that done. I know one person personally who left the organisation purely because he was depressed and fed up with being told to 'do more', when clearly he was at his limits. Since being out, he's much happier and content within himself.

  • lisavegas420

    I remember being depressed as a JW. I went to talk to my Elder dad. He said..."obviously you're guilty of something. depression is brought on by your guilty conscious."

    yea...that helped.


  • wantstoleave

    Another thing that's said when someone is suffering mental illness is 'blame Eve'. That because of her, we are all imperfect, thus we all suffer things (sickness, disease) because of her sin. Bleh!

  • Heaven

    Depression runs in the JWs in my family. My Mom was very depressed. My father is too.

    If you look at the images they are subjected to and listen to what is said at the talks and then read what is in their literature, you can analyze the percentage of good verses bad. Their prose is always the same. The big 'BUT' comes about 1/3 of the way through the reading and then it goes downhill from there. Same with their talks. "You have to do more!" which really says "You aren't doing enough."

    What you focus on expands. They are focusing on things that cause the mind and heart to be sad and depressed.

    My parents have the wonderful (? ) hope that they will live forever and ever... without their children and grandchildren. How can this possibly make anyone joyous and happy?

  • blondie

    BTW I think Jerry Bergman has a PHD not a MD. He is not a medical doctor and clinical depression is a medical illness.

  • I discovered
    I discovered


    Thank you so much for the info.

  • Hope4Others
  • shamus100

    Thank you, H40.

  • d

    Will of course most of them are depressed.What do you as a JW have to look foward to?Armageddon and the clean up process.Now that would depress anybody no matter who are.

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