I've been thinking!? What happens after Armageddon?

by LucyA 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jadeen

    Wow, that link to the Armaggedon story- I could totally see that happening with the local congregation here.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    People stop having sex.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    I saw that episode of the library geek who couldn't get any peace or quiet to read. It's one of my favorites.

  • diamondiiz

    From the wts vision all will have enjoyable work. From that delusion one can conclude that God will leave all stores undamages to the survivers will be able to raid these and live off the goods found. How many of us heard that possibility? I know I did that the stores would be left behind to help the survivors afterwards. After the supplies run out you better hope that either God provides slaves for you or angels will have to do jobs that nobody wants. Simple objects require tasks that no one wants to do but someone does it because it pays the bills. Let's say to build a home. In the west we build homes out of wood but to cut trees down you need a saw(even primative hand saw). Even a hand saw is made out of metal which needs to be processed from iron, etc. Someone needs to dig it out of the ground, process it, goes to a smelter, and eventually will end up looking like a saw blade. So even a primitave tools requite jobs that are not enjoyable but if no one will have unenjoyable jobs I guess maybe those unrightious who get resurrected will do these? hmmm Sewers? I guess not, who wants to maintain that? Clean water? Well someone will have to run a sewage treamnet and water treatment plants but there won't be higher education and maybe there won't be anyone wanting to deal with shit all day long so hey don't worry about it, just dig a hole in your big green backyard. Reality was never part of wts and sad part is that so many of us were there and didn't think deeper about even small aspects of the bs story wts was feeding us. Saying that people will be willing to clean shit? hmm didn't wts say that all will have enjoyable taks? hmm I guess gb meant they will have enjoyable tasks while their brothers slaves will do everythng to make gb happy even if they have to wipe their asses which these slaves will have to view as required satisfactory taks and they better do it with gladness of heart of they will be disfellowshipped killed of upon refusal to agree with gb.

    Reality is, if we are to live on earth as bible teaches it would be very much similar to today but the only things would change is the human view of each other and greed would have to be eliminated. Someone would still do dirty jobs and clean shit but IF it were to work all would have to appreciate each others efforts as on par with themselves. These paradise dreams like wts sells are just that - dreams that could never be reality because they're unrealistic. Unless they get slaves in the new world the wts presentation of peradise could never be. Care centers would still be required even for perfect people! I can't see how people would be so perfect and would naver break a bone, get cut or injured. Even if death was to be abolished there would be still those that did something and get major injury requiring some sort of help unless they all live in a protective bubble or are not humans but spirits living on earth.

    pjschipper: humans don't need satan to do bad and we don't need satan's influence to be as evil as some are. That's another religious myth. Sure one can point to Hitler and say that guy surely was under demonic influence but really was he? Or was he just another politician who wanted others to do his own will, somewhat like gb who want others do their will - Malawi/Mexico is prime example of wicked men not caring for their "peers", would you say that gb during 1960/70s were under demonic influence?

  • yknot

    We aren't suppose to worry...

    The anointed under Christ are suppose to tell us what to do.....

    I would guess:

    Manna from Heaven during the clean up

    Drinking water from crags

    Maybe move things like the Levites

    Employ Tesla-like energy distribution

    Just guessing after all the blurb in Rev 20 is very small and not much on details.

  • LockedChaos


    That too is a myth

  • LucyA

    Great link Bluecanary! Scary as hell but really well written

  • villabolo

    Diamondiiz, I am not speaking from a JW point of view but I'm playing devils advocate just to show that Humanity can survive a catastrophic event and still prosper. My response in no way confirms the JWs delusion but it shows that, with all due respect,your arguments need some correction.

    From the wts vision all will have enjoyable work. From that delusion one can conclude that God will leave all stores undamages to the survivers will be able to raid these and live off the goods found. How many of us heard that possibility? I know I did that the stores would be left behind to help the survivors afterwards. After the supplies run out you better hope that either God provides slaves for you or angels will have to do jobs that nobody wants.

    My response is do the math. We have about three days worth of food per person in our supermarkets. Even if stores collapse one can visualize most of the canned food undamaged with dents and dings that are harmless. But, let's assume that only 1/3 of the food survives the collapse of the building. By the way armageddon according to the witnesses also includes pestilence, epidemic diseases, not just fireballs and earthquakes that would leave canned food untouched.

    Now let's assume that out of the six million JWs only 1/10 of them survive leaving 600,000. The world population is six billion divided into six hundred thousand leaves us with us with 1/10,000. That would leave the survivors with ten thousand man-days worth of food if none is destroyed or let's say three thousand man-days worth of food if 1/3 of it is left over from ruined buildings. That's 9 years worth of food per person. The survivors can grow gardens in the meanwhile before the food expires.

    Simple objects require tasks that no one wants to do but someone does it because it pays the bills. Let's say to build a home. In the west we build homes out of wood but to cut trees down you need a saw(even primative hand saw). Even a hand saw is made out of metal which needs to be processed from iron, etc. Someone needs to dig it out of the ground, process it, goes to a smelter, and eventually will end up looking like a saw blade. So even a primitave tools requite jobs that are not enjoyable but if no one will have unenjoyable jobs I guess maybe those unrightious who get resurrected will do these? hmmm Sewers? I guess not, who wants to maintain that? Clean water? Well someone will have to run a sewage treamnet and water treatment plants but there won't be higher education and maybe there won't be anyone wanting to deal with shit all day long so hey don't worry about it, just dig a hole in your big green backyard. Reality was never part of wts and sad part is that so many of us were there and didn't think deeper about even small aspects of the bs story wts was feeding us. Saying that people will be willing to clean shit? hmm didn't wts say that all will have enjoyable taks? hmm I guess gb meant they will have enjoyable tasks while their brothers slaves will do everythng to make gb happy even if they have to wipe their asses which these slaves will have to view as required satisfactory taks and they better do it with gladness of heart of they will be disfellowshipped killed of upon refusal to agree with gb.

    There will be plenty of tools left over from destroyed homes and hardware stores for such a diminished population. By the way, in case you're wondering about the safety of salvaging destroyed property it can be done with a team of people and a bulldozer. And in case you're wondering about the fuel it could be scavenged from tens of thousands of automobiles. And again not all buildings have to be structuraly compromised if it was in a plague area.

    Sewers will be greatly relieved not to have so many people (remember 1/10,000) taking a dump. And as the population rises (from resurrection) you can concentrate those people in one small city (Curious how the Watchtower only shows isolated homesteads in its graphics) and maintain it without having to manufacture anything. As to water it can be collected through tarps and barrels.

    Reality is, if we are to live on earth as bible teaches it would be very much similar to today but the only things would change is the human view of each other and greed would have to be eliminated. Someone would still do dirty jobs and clean shit but IF it were to work all would have to appreciate each others efforts as on par with themselves. These paradise dreams like wts sells are just that - dreams that could never be reality because they're unrealistic. Unless they get slaves in the new world the wts presentation of peradise could never be. Care centers would still be required even for perfect people! I can't see how people would be so perfect and would naver break a bone, get cut or injured. Even if death was to be abolished there would be still those that did something and get major injury requiring some sort of help unless they all live in a protective bubble or are not humans but spirits living on earth.

    there are deficiencies in your argument.

    I agree that Watchtower dreams/delusions are just that. However you underestimate the power of communal action and present your arguments on the assumption that these people will be isolated individuals. If you have time I suggest that you read The Stand by Stephen King and ignore the mystical aspects of it while focusing on the team work required to make a post apocalyptic city liveable and yes that includes cleaning up corpses.


  • diamondiiz


    You're talking about relativly short period of time after Armageddon - I was talking about a longer time frame (100s of years) not a relativly short period after the war. As the theory goes, people would be resurrected after some time frame - billions of people - possibly many more than 6 billion. These resurrected people would need to be taught by surviving witnesses how to live in harmony with God's way while they grow to perfection. Meantime the people would delight in their work. So initial survivors would do fine but longer term, people couldn't progress as a society if they were all to do only enjoyable work and that was the point of my initial post.


    The first day after Armageddon..

    Will be the First Day of WBT$ PARADISE!!

    zwei Leichenberg eBuchenwald

    Jehovah`s Witness`s have been Looking Forward to this Day..

    For over 100 years!!..

    Fireworks Bravo! yes Woohoo! Bravo! Fireworks

    It will be a Time of Celebration..

    For Jehovah`s Witness`s,all Over the World!!

    New Year Cheer Thanksgiving Dinner 2 Thanksgiving DinnerNoisemaker 3

    The Dead at Auschwitz


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