Question for Evangelicals: Are JWs Going to Hell?

by leavingwt 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • poppers

    Personally, I believe in the Bible and its teachings that is where my faith is. I know many people do not agree with my faith but how can those who disagree be sure that they are right about their faith?

    That's just it, nobody knows for sure. It's all about one's personal beliefs. For people to use their beliefs as a way of judging others who hold different ones and to declare someone else will be condemned to hell (and I'm not saying you are doing this) is simply misguided and wrong. When you get right down to it nobody really knows, but that ignorance gets papered over by faith.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    well said ynot

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    outlaw i didnt wear it to the meeting at the kingdom hall....i was picking a friend up from her meeting at her congregation on a different night from mine, and had it on then. I was outside the hall, out of my car and people saw it and made comments.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    nar not a top with satan on....but the skull one is cool.



    The skull pic is Satan too..

    I could`nt get the 1st one to load again..

    So I used another Satan picture..

    I can see you very particular about the Pictures of Satan you Like..

    Most Jehovah`s Witness`s are afraid of anything to do with Satan..

    Your Different..

    You might like this one with Satan and George Bush..

    The Satanic States o...



    Angel Eyes..

    I was Mistaken..

    The picture you Like,is of a Demon..

    Not Satan..

    I found it again,here it is..

    You said you are going to put it on a Tshirt..


    You are the only Jehovah`s Witness I know..

    That Likes Demonic Art!!

    No wonder Your so Popular with the Elders at your Kingdom Hall..

    You say your Pioneering now too!..

    Good for You!!


  • isaacaustin

    LOL Outlaw, I don't ever remember a JW who liked demonic art either. I would go so far as to say there is none. lol

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