kids in the hall

by rockmehardplace 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • rockmehardplace

    no, not the comedy. i see alot of parents at the kingdom halls - and more than one that i have been to - that pass their children off to other people in the kh all the time. are the children supposed to be with the parents and not with other people? is that the instruction that is always given? i even see elders doing this. there was an elder meeting once just to talk about this problem and yet no more than two meetings later, some of the elders were allowing it to happen again, with their own kids. not that there is a point to this post, i was just irritated by someone asking my wife to watch their kid because they really felt a talk was going to be for them.

  • leavingwt


    Do you have any kids?

    Parents want a break. If someone else will hold them for a few minutes, that's great.

    Sitting in a Kingdom Hall for 90 minutes and wrasslin' with kids is pretty much torture. ANYTHING that will provide relief should be EXPECTED.

  • bluecanary

    My ex-husband's sister (not a JW) had a baby. Grandma would always take the baby to the meetings. The kid was always sequestered behind Grandma and uncles, never taken around to see people like he so badly wanted. When he grows up he's going to be just like the rest of the family. Paranoid and fearful of anyone he's not related to. I think it's good for the kids to spend time with other people, as long as it's people the parents KNOW they can trust, rather than just trusting them because they're JWs.

  • straightshooter

    Though the children are to sit with their parents, it can be difficult for the parents to pay attention to the parts with children distracting them. But why give these children to others at the kh so that they would be distracted? The meetings are not the most exciting thing for todays children.

  • mrsjones5

    Sounds like a children's room is needed but that will never happen

  • yknot

    My sister (step) was passed around....... she had no sense of 'stranger danger'

    My mom didn't and haven't ever done this practice with my children.......

    HOWEVER I will take as many kids as anyone wants to pass to me when I am sitting in the KH library! I bring coloring pencils and lots of 'biblical' coloring sheets, and other activities...(yes I included the flash cards recently highlighted in the KM) and most of them stay very quiet and entertained.........but that is nothing compared to the Spanish congregation, the COBOE's wife brings 'activites and SNACKS!'

  • jamiebowers

    This situation is exactly the reason why the WB&TS's secrecy about known pedophiles in the congregation alarms me so much.

  • shamus100
  • scotinsw

    i used to let one of the little girls in my cong sit next to me - it was far more entertaining than the meeting!

    my mum used to let the same little girl and her brother sit next to her - it brightened up the meetings for her too.

    can't believe the COBOE wife brings snacks! never heard of that before!

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    When I had little kids and babies we had really good friends that had older kids, they often sat with us at meetings and always at the assembly, they were such a great help to us helping to keep the kids distracted. Then when our kids got older we helped people out with little ones all the time. Now I realize it gave me something fun to do also.

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