What was your favorite Christmas gift?

by Billygoat 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • ladonna

    I received several lovely gifts, but the best was a long-stemmed red rose.


    Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too...Voltaire

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    when nae comes and sees me ill have my fave cheismas gift :p

  • TR

    Im got a new blow up doll and had Andi's pic pasted to the head.

    Seriously, I received a new cd burner, some blank cd's, some music cd's, clothes, etc.


    I'm gonna make mince meat outta that Osama!

  • toddy

    Vue d'Esprit & Poser 4..Waahoooo

  • Bendrr

    Received: 2 very nice shirts picked out by my 9yo and 5yo neices, a framed picture of the Statue of Liberty with the American flag in the background and the words "God Bless America" on the flag. the most special to me this year was a mini-bottle for my collection: given by my friend Pat's father who's had it for years but he told her he wanted me to have it. Hopefully this link will work so you can see it...



    The best gift was that I got was to play Santa solo this year instead of the usual kid-stampede.

    I may not like what you have to say, but many men gave their lives for your right to say it.

  • rhett

    A piece of a meteorite that fell and killed a horse in 1860. That and I don't know how many of you are Kevin Smith fans but if you know the movie Mallrats, the t-shirt Brodie was wearing the whole time.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • larc


    One nice gift was a pair of soft leather, winter gloves. My kids know that is a good gift because I have the tendency of losing gloves. The one that made me go WOW, was a simple gift. The Rolling Stone magazine featuring Bob Dylan - "his most revealing interview in decades."

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    My life-time best gift is being with Thinker!! He rocks my world!!!!!!!

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