Is Christianity a form of mental disorder?

by John Doe 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • passwordprotected

    Is Christianity a form of mental disorder?

    Yep, and if we could have them all (not just Christians) locked up, the world would be a much safer place.

    [edited to remove picture of burned Christian girl; at least she wasn't locked up]

    I think that may have already happened in certain places. Did it result in safer places?

    Just out of interest, with all of the Christians in prison, who'd run the Christian charities in their place?

  • PSacramento

    Is religion( not just christianity) a mental disorder?

    A valid question, but first we need to establish what is "order" or "the norm", then we can go onto disorder or "abnormal".

    Who wants to go first and dictate what is normal human mental order?

  • villabolo

    Passwordprotected, do you want pity exclusively for members of your own religion that are treated like that or are you willing to realize that the crimes of Christendom throughout its existence are equivalent to the ones you are showing us? By the way the title of this thread should be reworded as, Is religion a form of mental disorder?

    Edited to say; passwordprotected, you should have kept the picture posted.


  • Dixie

    Let's face it, we all have something in our lives that we have faith in. Whether it's God, dis-belief in God, evolution, love, trusting other people, etc, it doesn't matter. To call someone crazy for having faith is pretty narrow-minded in my opinion.

    We all have our own opinions & belief systems. But to tar one group with the same brush, name-call & to spew hatred is just plain ignorant and immature. It seems that some people on these boards (believers & non-believers alike) still seem to be stuck in the "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" JW mentality. You are doing EXACTLY the same thing that Jehovah's Witnesses are doing. You haven't changed one bit.

    I have friends from all walks of life because I don't put myself in a box. I wouldn't dream of calling an atheist, agnostic, Buddhist, hindu, etc crazy because I have RESPECT for my fellow man. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing but you can do it in a civilized fashion w/o the disrespect & name-calling.

  • passwordprotected

    Passwordprotected, do you want pity exclusively for members of your own religion that are treated like that or are you willing to realize that the crimes of Christendom throughout its existence are equivalent to the ones you are showing us? By the way the title of this thread should be reworded as, Is religion a form of mental disorder?

    I don't want any pity. The title of the thread is not "Is religion a form of mental disorder". It's focus is on Christians.

    Christendom's crimes and shocking are well documented and cannot be excused or whitewashed.

    The picture can be found on the article I linked to.

  • PSacramento

    Dixie, many people that have been "scared" by religion have a hard time seeing all the good that can coem from Faith and that is understandable and it really sin't their fault if they can't see it, after all, if something was so obvious it wouldn't need to be pointed out.

    I think that all the good that is donein God's name doesn't get the press it deserves, typically because those that do good don't care or need the press, nevertheless, we shoudl remember that many of the things we have now that we take for granted, Hospitals, homeless shelters, food kitchens, were "created" by beleivers of God, many of them Christians, and even many of our Laws are "god inspired".

    Its ok to point out the bad in things, so that they may be corrected, but lets not forget to point out the good too.

  • passwordprotected

    Dixie, many people that have been "scared" by religion have a hard time seeing all the good that can coem from Faith and that is understandable and it really sin't their fault if they can't see it, after all, if something was so obvious it wouldn't need to be pointed out.

    I think that all the good that is donein God's name doesn't get the press it deserves, typically because those that do good don't care or need the press, nevertheless, we shoudl remember that many of the things we have now that we take for granted, Hospitals, homeless shelters, food kitchens, were "created" by beleivers of God, many of them Christians, and even many of our Laws are "god inspired".

    Its ok to point out the bad in things, so that they may be corrected, but lets not forget to point out the good too.

    Excellent points.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Thankfully, most modern Christians in the western world are good people.

    They have a personal faith, built upon an ancient religion that relies on ancient scrolls.

    Whether or not I agree with them is immaterial. Christians who act "christlike" are generally pleasant people to be around.

    Again, I think any kind of worldview can get "mental" depending on the relative mental stability of the person engaged in it. Anyone think G Gordon Liddy is a great example of a Republican? Or Rush Limbaugh? Me neither. I don't think most Republicans are like that, even if the leaders of their political party spout off nonsense.

    In the case of most nominal Christians, I don't take the rhetoric of their nuttiest leaders as speaking for them. Unless they personally choose to identify themselves with the fringe, at which point, the gloves come off.

    Christianity is not a mental disorder. But there are Christians who are mental.

  • undercover

    Religious belief is a form of delusion.

    But we all have our own forms of delusion, whether religious or some other delusion. So, to paraphrase PSacramento, first we need to establish what delusions are harmful or not. Some delusion is not abnormal. We all delude ourselves on various things. But go too far and maybe it can be considered a mental disorder.

    Belief in imaginary spirit creatures is one's personal choice. That, in and of itself isn't harmful...but if one allows that belief to cloud their judgement in day to day life and more, then it can be harmful.

    Such as JWs denying blood transfusions. That's when the delusion of believing in a God who will reward you for dying is harmful. It's even more harmful if you seek to push that agenda on other people based on such delusions.

    Whether you try to force other people to abstain from medical care or if you seek to impose your morality or rules on others using that delusional belief as the source, then that delusional disorder goes too far and becomes a mental disability.

  • MissingLink

    How'd I know PP would show up spouting nonsense about his oppressed people? Now all we need is Perry.

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