Daily text - Matt 26:41

by YoYoMama 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • YoYoMama

    Matt 26:41 “Keep on the watch and pray continually, that you may not enter into temptation.”


    What would help us to keep on the watch? While in the garden of Gethsemane shortly before his arrest, Jesus told three of his apostles the above. Years later, Peter gave similar counsel to fellow Christians. He wrote “The end of all things has drawn close. Be sound in mind, therefore, and be vigilant with a view to prayers.” (1 Pet. 4:7) Clearly, fervent prayer should be a part of our Christian routine. (Rom. 12:12; 1 Thess. 5:17) Note that Peter also said “The end of all things has drawn close.” How close? There is no way for humans to pinpoint the exact day and hour. (Matt. 24:36) But there is a difference between indulging in speculation, which the Bible does not encourage, and keeping in expectation of the end, which it does encourage. (2 Tim. 4:3, 4; Titus 3:9) What is one way that we can keep in expectation of the end? It is by paying close attention to the evidence that the end is near. W 1/15/00 11, 12

  • Celia
    Paying close attention to the evidence that the end is near

    How do you do that YoyoMama ?
    You're like the articles in the Watchtower, there's never a solution to any of the problems that are written about...

  • seven006


    Thanks for the daily text. It brings back memoires of breakfast with my family when I was a young boy. All I have is memories now since I haven't seen most of my family is over 16 years.

    If you could, please explain your interpretation of the word "near" in relation to the time that particular scripture was written. Is the word "near" referring to a time frame of when that scripture was written or does it refer to a time frame in the future such as now? If it refers to a time period of "now" when did "now" start and what is the time frame of the word "near." How long does "near" last and can "near" be interpreted as an indefinite time frame?

    Thanks and take care,


  • Introspection

    You might want to look at this quote I came across a while back. Of course, it may not make sense or there may be thoughts of "that's not what that scripture meant" etc, but you might want to look at it anyway. The third message down.


  • YoYoMama

    near = near.

    Have a dictionary handy?

  • detective

    Todays score: one sentence, bible
    one paragraph, watchtower.

    He who kneels before the organization, does remind us daily of where his loyalty lies.

  • roybatty

    >>There is no way for humans to pinpoint the exact day and hour.<<

    Someone forgot to tell Russell and Rutherford this. Oh wait, Franz liked the Prediction Game to didn't he?

  • seven006

    <<<near = near. Have a dictionary handy?>>>

    Come on YoYo, your smarter than that. I know the definition of the word "near" but even as a child knows "near" is relative to a point of origine. In relation to distance and in the context of the solar system earth is "near" the planet Mars. In interstate distance Portland is "near" to Seattle. The point of origine and a defined context are essential to understanding a reference to the word "near."
    Speaking in time frame context Thanksgiving is "near" to Christmas but in a larger perspective and different context the year 1900 is "near" to 2000 in the full scope of history.

    Making the "dictionary" comment shows noting more than you cannot answer this question. If you do and you are smart enough to grasp where I am going with this you might have had that little light bulb go off in your head and see that your commentary on your daily text is a blatant contradiction. You give a point of origin in time from a quote from Peter saying “The end of all things has drawn close." In that origin of time frame it is easy to see that "the end" was "near" over two thousand years ago. If we all look around we can plainly see that the end you quoted Peter stating is a very long time in relation to written history.

    You go on to make an inference that the end is still "near." What I am confused about is the definition of the word "near" in relation to both time frames, Peter's and now ours. Without a point of reference you can say that the airplane was invented "near" the time that the dinosaurs roamed the earth.

    Please expand on your commentary to give all those JW lurkers that you claim to post for a clearer idea of what you mean by the word "near." I am thinking of your purpose of posting on this forum and just trying to help you make your point to those whom you post for.

    Thanks for your attempt at answering my question and please expand on your comments in relation to my comments.

    Take care,


  • hillary_step


    near = near.

    Unfortunately, your shallow comment becomes you.

    What Dave is alluding to is the Preterist interpretation of the 'end-times' notation in scripture. That is that Jesus, Peter, James and John were actually discussing the fall of Jerusalem when they speak in terms of 'the last hour', and the 'time left is short'.

    Now, check your QFR on this issue and you will find that the WTS, eventually acknowledges that yes, indeed Peter, Paul etc, were expecting Armaggedon in their day, but what they thought would be Armaggedon, was in fact the fall of Jerusalem.

    What the WTS has not been able to rationalise is what evidence exists that these 'end-time' scriptures should be dragged forward from the C1st into our day.

    Prove to us all that these 'end-time' prophecies were to apply in our day! For example YYW, give evidence that 1 Thess 5:3, applies beyond the period when Jerusalem proclaimed it had defeated Rome and when Rome returned to instantly destroy it in 70CE.

    The WTS has, as you will note in your text for the morning, made a final attempt at side-stepping the issue, by suggesting that 'evidence' is the proof. Notice how they are beggining to shy away from 'chronological evidence' as being proof, evidence which they well aware is flawed.


  • seven006


    Thank you for the addition and clarification of my point. I really enjoy when posters like YoYo and You Know come on to this board and search for those JW's who lurk here. It gives us swine a lot of help in digesting the pearls that have been cast upon us. If it wasn't for people like YoYo and You Know it might be a lot harder for those faithful JW's who come here to see the big picture and read things the governing body does not want them to read.

    Thank you YoYo and You Know. We appreciate your help in the search for the truth about the truth and exposing the JW religion for what it is. Keep posting, we need you.

    Take care,


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