Does Moon Phase Affect Blood Loss/Surgery?

by cameo-d 10 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • cameo-d

    I remeber reading in a farmers almanac years ago something about butchering hogs according to moon phase.

    And of course it does have effect upon tides and I would assume bodily fluids as well.

    Is there anything proven about lunar effects on blood loss during surgery?

    Do you know of any experiences where this held true?

    When would be the best moon phase to have surgery if blood loss would be a great concern?

  • cantleave

    Well being a warewolf makes it imperative that I do not undergo any surgical procedure during full moon.

  • cameo-d
  • cantleave

    Cameo-d, I am sorry you feel that way. I am certainly not ignorant as you suggest, I have a degree in chemistry and hold an MBA. Please tell me your professional qualifications?

    To answer you question in a serious way the idea that our blood is effected by the phases of the moon is simply ridiculous.

    Most traditions of rural communities have no scientific basis and are simply myths perpetuated and enhanced by subsequent generations. If there were some substance to myth then surely the medical profession would undertake operations at specific time of the month to maximaise the likelyhood of success.

    Does that answer you question in the way you want?


  • cameo-d

    To those that are dealing with JW where "the blood issue" may be a concern, I think this is a relevant subject in spite of your smart ass remarks, cantleave.

    As far as a degree in chemistry making you qualified for anything, I doubt it.

    All I have seen from you is cut and paste thread high-jacking and jack ass comments.

  • parakeet

    cameo: Is there anything proven about lunar effects on blood loss during surgery? Do you know of any experiences where this held true? When would be the best moon phase to have surgery if blood loss would be a great concern?

    No. No. Irrelevant.

  • Lillith26
  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well thanks to the many visits I have made to the hospital and the emergancy room, I do see a surge on full moons

  • cameo-d


    Try to plan an operation five days before or after the new Moon. At this time, fluids are at their lowest ebb; consequently, there is less chance of swelling.

    Avoid operations five days before or after a full Moon. At this time bodily fluids are at their highest and can cause excessive swelling, hemorrhaging or seepage from wounds.

    from Medical Astrology by Eileen Naumann

  • parakeet

    cameo: Try to plan an operation five days before or after the new Moon. At this time, fluids are at their lowest ebb; consequently, there is less chance of swelling.

    Here's some better advice if you must have surgery:

    Avoid having surgery in July if you're a patient in a teaching hospital. July is the month the new interns start their rotations. You do not want a green med school graduate messing around with your insides, no matter how well he/she is being supervised.

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