What are the means the WTS use to ensure that the organisation never crumbles?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 13 Replies latest watchtower bible


    The WTS are a group of men in New York who have built an organisation that probably will never crumble. Their success comes from not debating anyone,becoming unapproachable,and answering to no one. They use Lawyers,Elders,Circuit Overseers,and District Overseers as a front to distract and distance everyone.

    How can we or anyone fight an organisation that you cannot see or talk to?


    What are the means the WTS use to ensure that the organisation never crumbles?

    ..... Billions of Dollars!!.....


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The cunningest thing they did was to get away from having one prominent 'guru'.

    Now, there is nobody at the top who's death could cause a loss of membership.

  • metatron

    Don't underestimate the damage we've already done to this cult. The effective way to defeat the Watchtower is keep chipping away. Bring them down brick by brick, piece by piece.

    They are strongly - indeed fanatically centralized. But their opposition is decentralized making this struggle into a sort of guerilla war that they cannot win. They are losing donations, elders, young people, - and legal cases whose effects will drain them for years.

    Never doubt that we are winning. Behind the facade of serene unity, they are decaying. God speed to that.


  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott


  • Quandry

    They prey on a basic desires of humans...to hope for something better, or to have a relationship with God, or to have "special knowledge" that others do not posess.

  • OnTheWayOut
    The effective way to defeat the Watchtower is keep chipping away. Bring them down brick by brick, piece by piece.

    Member by member. Die-hards do just that, die hard in the JW's. To replace them is next to impossible. New recruits have the internet to learn the real truth. Young ones have the internet and know they don't want the lifestyle.

    Eventually, the organization will crumble from lack of membership. The lawsuits make it faster, as it's all about money.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Well said Quandry , thats exactly how they have gathered their membership from the past and thats how they will continue

    in the future. Its essentially a fool proof concept one that many other religious cults follow as well , promise

    something special out of the ordinary, like immortality and a life in Paradise and all you have to do is be in total subjection to the leaders direction

    and the promises will be fulfilled. Although they are having a bit of a problem lately with the inter-net exposing their false claims

    and misinformed proclamations. There only so much information that they can control now, it was so much easer in the past, but not any more.

    One other thing that is probably the most important aspect for them maintain their power over people is the constant notification that they are the only

    group of men that has the spiritual guidance from god in all matters, its a locking in devise that keeps the followers in their control.

  • Hopscotch

    FEAR and GUILT


  • WTWizard

    They lie. And they twist the definitions of common words so that arguments against them, however sound, are unwinnable. They can alter a word so, if you tell the truth against them, they can agree while meaning something totally different.

    If they had to use the common definitions of all words in the native language, they would soon lose. They would lose child custody cases that they now win by tampering with the language. They would lose pedophile suits the same way. They would lose their cases to go legal in most countries, since they won those cases by altering the meanings of common words. They would lose arguments to individuals that are going to discontinue their study or leave. And, eventually they would lose their bid to seize control of the world, since no government leader is going to surrender to a measly religion their power (they won't even surrender to new leaders that intend to fix the world and have the tools to do so, let alone a cult).

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