by hamsterbait 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • SirNose586

    When I saw that article in the KM, I immediately thought of the 1950's era article of nearly the same mould: "Why so few men?"

    That article showed the WT's reasons for believing why less men were attracted to religion in general. Their reasoning was sound. And now they know why they have a shortage here. Or at least they should. Who would willingly volunteer for a job that pays nothing, yet stresses you so much?

    I hope they lose men to such a critical level that New Light TM forces women to take MS-like leadership positions.

  • lepermessiah

    I think its because most of the sincere, caring men get so burned out or turned off that they resign - leaving only a few good men left to battle the Pharasees and other "leaders". I feel bad because many of them are quality human beings, but they get so run down with the endless responsibility, guilt trips, "its never enough" attitude, etc.

    One of my biggest beefs was now if you have a schlong and 10 hours in service, you are pretty much a given to be on the servant body. You could have the personality of Christ, but if you didnt have 10 hours in service, you didnt qualify. Whereas the brown-nosers and power-hungry could be the biggest A-Holes on the planet, but if they had 10 hours in, they were almost a shoo-in!!!!

  • yknot

    Oh the great man shortage.......

    Has there ever in my 35 years of life ever not been a man-shortage?


  • blondie

    Why so few men?

    1) most young males growing up in the WTS leave at 18 (or sooner); there is even a bigger dearth of MS in our area thus no one to "grow" into elders; the process now is to send elders from other areas to fill in the gaps

    2) many elders are voluntarily stepping down due to the pressure, stress, and political games played on elder bodies.

    3) elders are moving away and not being reappointed as elders due to their own choice.

    4) elders are being removed because of df'd minor children living at home; they stop playing the company game, etc.

    5) few men come into the WTS from the outside since the WTS sends women around to call on the few women that are still at home during the week. Few male jws go in the field circus during the evening when men are more likely to be home and even fewer actually make return visits on the men they do contact.

    6) as to "growing" unbelieving husbands, one called me and asked if there was some current program to convert husbands again and I told him that there was an article in the KM. I guess this was the third time they had try to cultivate his "friendship" within a 5 year gap. When he didn't come to meetings or have a study, they quickly dropped him. I guess jws think he is too dumb to know what is going on.


  • parakeet

    Blondie, it sounds like the men are starting to wise up. Maybe the women will soon follow suit. Even if women are ever allowed to be elders, they'll endure the same stresses as the men and start to leave, too. Happy thoughts.

  • Leolaia

    What did Paul do?

    I'll tell you what he did -- he needed all the help he could get and had no problem recognizing female leaders in the early Church. Some, like Junia of Rome and Phoebe of Cenchreae, were prominent apostles and deacons (= ministerial servants, in JW lingo); Phoebe was also described as prostatis "leader, presiding officer, patron". Many others were wives or widows of wealthy landowners, who hosted church meetings in their own homes (such as Prisca of Ephesus, Lydia of Thyatira, and Nympha of Laodicia). There were no public buildings devoted to Christian meetings at that early date; meetings were usually held in private homes or in public spaces. Chloe of Corinth may have hosted her own house church, or she may have been a prominent teacher like Apollos (the reference to her is ambiguous). In any case, Paul did not limit himself to finding leadership roles among male members of the Church.

  • PSacramento


    That's just crazy apostate talk !!

    LOL !

    If the WT needs men, there are certain places in every town that are full of them, they even make a parade every year !

  • parakeet

    Here's a suggested addition to the Kingdom Songbook:

    From "New Moon"
    (Sigmund Romberg / Frank Mandel /
    Laurence Schwab / Oscar Hammerstein II)

    Give me some men who are stout-hearted men,
    Who will fight, for the right they adore,
    Start me with ten who are stout-hearted men,
    And I'll soon give you ten thousand more.
    Shoulder to shoulder and bolder and bolder,
    They grow as they go to the fore.
    Then there's nothing in the world can halt or mar a plan,
    When stout-hearted men can stick together man to man.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    More and more of the brothers are asking, "why bother?" For the very few that are "reaching out", the rest who have served in the past or could serve even now realize that it's just not worth anything, well, except for more headaches in life.

  • hamsterbait

    Leo -

    Such talk is SHOCKIN'!!

    Your rants are starting to verge on the APOSTATE - never mind your apparently scriptural slant.

    I might have to come and wash out your rebellious heart with cheap vodka.


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