Hi everyone

by missellie 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • missellie

    Hi, I'm new here and would just like to introduce myself to everyone.

    I'm Ellie, 29 years of age, from the Uk. Was never actually baptised, but brought up in the truth, my mum and older brother are still in but my dad was disfellowshipped shortly beofre he died.

    Not quite sure where I stand on my beliefs, partly still a witness at heart, but loveing being able to celebrate life without restrictions.

    Will be good to hang out here and hopfully learn a lot and get to know some like minded people!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    welcome on board Ellie, enjoy your stay

  • AnnOMaly
  • villabolo

    Welcome missellie, First thing I'll tell you is to recommend the books Crisis of Conscience and also its sequel In Search of Christian Freedom to get a good perspective on the JWs. Once you read them you'll never want to return again. Best wishes on your journey through life. Stick around and you'll see some interesting things.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Ellie, lots of vowells in your name. ;-) The only Ellie I've known is Andy Griffith's girlfriend on the Andy Griffith show. Is it more popular in the UK?

  • missellie

    Thanks for the welcomes!

    Will look out for those books thanks, I'm actually reading a good book at the moment, George Orwell's 1984, and finding it fascinating, sure its supposed to symbolize a totalitarian government but I can't help but see the Jehovahs Witness organisation in Big Brother!

  • mrsjones5

    "The only Ellie I've known is Andy Griffith's girlfriend on the Andy Griffith show. Is it more popular in the UK? "

    You forgot Ellie Mae from the Beverly Hillbillies

    Welcome to the board Ellie

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Yeah, that makes two!

  • missellie

    In my case Ellie is short for Elizabeth, but its generally short for Eleanor, I knew a few Americans who insisted on calling me Eli but I didn't mind, it beats Liz, which most Brits shorten Elizabeth to.

  • villabolo

    "Will look out for those books thanks, I'm actually reading a good book at the moment, George Orwell's 1984, and finding it fascinating, sure its supposed to symbolize a totalitarian government but I can't help but see the Jehovahs Witness organisation in Big Brother!"

    An excellent book and your observation about JWs=Big Brother are right on.


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