Scripturally, Is There Any Precedent For "Fading" & Still Not Being Totally Shunned?

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    It appears the Organization is poised to treat "faders" like disassociated or disfellowshipped ones.

    Can we use the Bible to prove to a potential shunner that this action is wrong?

  • leavingwt

    Is this anything other than hearsay?

  • undercover
    Can we use the Bible to prove to a potential shunner that this action is wrong?

    The Society can't use the Bible to prove that shunning DFd/DAd ones is right. Hasn't stopped them though. The problem is that the followers are going to follow what the Society says not what the Bible says.

    It appears the Organization is poised to treat "faders" like disassociated or disfellowshipped ones.

    Still just a rumor. I'm not buying that one until more evidence is presented.

  • minimus

    I think we should start expressing to relatives that IF such a thing were to ever occur it would be in violation of the scriptures (if that's provable).

  • leavingwt

    it would be in violation of the scriptures

    The Scriptures have remained the same as the changing Watchtower Interpretation of them has claimed the lives of countless precious children. WT Reality has absolutely nothing to do with Scripture.

    Remember, if the GB says a black Bible is purple, then it's purple.


  • undercover
    I think we should start expressing to relatives that IF such a thing were to ever occur it would be in violation of the scriptures (if that's provable).

    Or better yet...

    Start expressing to JW relatives how cruel it would be to start shunning "weak" and "discouraged" ones. They need love and support and help. What a unChristian attitude it would be to start shunning people who need help.

    Get them to express the same thoughts...and they will...because contrary to the WTS evil ways of thinking, most dubs are kind hearted...

    and if, I reiterate, IF, this new shunning of faders comes to pass, we may have planted a serious doubt in the minds of those who previously were faithful.

  • leavingwt

    Try to think like a cult member.

    When presented with a new rule that doesn't make sense or when being taught something that seemingly goes against Scripture, this is a TEST of your FAITH. No matter how difficult the new directions are, the cult member must remain LOYAL to Jehovah. Individual cult members have no business trying to interpret Scripture. Mother does this. To disagree with Mother is to run ahead of Jehovah's chariot. Jesus will slaughter anyone who is disloyal or anyone who runs ahead -- just around the corner at Armageddon.

    Homework: Find a Scripture in the NT that instructs Christians to kill their children, by refusing them modern medical treatment. (By comparison, shunning is a piece of cake.)

  • blondie

    I hate rumors especially those that get people stirred up and unhappy. I would rather see FACTS. After the rumors about COs being eliminated, haven't we learned to be more sensible.

    So when does someone become a "fader"? It is not a WTS term. The WTS calls people who do not turn in time for 6 consecutive months, inactive. Does fading = inactive for 6 months or more? Does it mean people who attend meetings but do not turn in time slips? I have known quite a few like that. What about unbaptized people who attend meetings but do not turn in time slips? I can think of 5 of those right now. What about unbaptized people who have not turned in time slips for 6 months or more? What about people who have been inactive for several years, to the point most people at the KH don't even know who they are? Are they going to start announcing "So and So you have never heard of" is no longer of one Jehovah's Witnesses? One or two a week for weeks?

    Is the WTS going to a have a special WT study article to reverse these statements:

    *** w93 7/15 p. 27 Tenderly Shepherding Jehovah’s Precious Sheep ***Jesus gave an illustration about a man who had a hundred sheep but promptly searched for one that had strayed in order to bring it back to the flock. (Matthew 18:12-14; Luke 15:3-7) In like manner an overseer should have concern for each member of the congregation. Inactivity in the ministry or in attending Christian meetings does not mean that the sheep is no longer part of the flock. He remains part of "all the flock" for whom the elders must "render an account" to Jehovah.

    *** w05 4/15 p. 20 par. 22 Let God’s Word Light Your Roadway ***The psalmist wanted to keep living and praising Jehovah, but in some undisclosed way, he had ‘wandered like a lost sheep.’ (Psalm 119:175, 176) Some who have wandered away from the Christian congregation may still love God and may want to praise him. Let us therefore do all we can to help them so that they may again find spiritual security and experience the joy of praising Jehovah with his people.—Hebrews 13:15; 1 Peter 5:6, 7.


    disassociation differs: od 155 (Organized to do Jehoavh's Will)

    To date inactivity does not = disassociation under the WT "charter".

    They would have to change this too.

  • minimus

    I have relatives who have in-laws that are on the grapevine. They've been saying stuff like this for 2 years.

  • undercover
    I have relatives who have in-laws that are on the grapevine.

    Is that kinda like my father's uncle's nephew's son?

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