Do the elders really care if you fake your service time?

by JimmyPage 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing


    Now, I am sure that if I report 40 hours they would question. However, if I reported 5 or 6, then everyone would be happy.

    Amen! And you got in a real 2 hours, you could have reported 10 or 12.


    You are likely right that there is a lot of faking going on ... the JWs here in the Chicago suburbs use to come around two or three times a year ... but I have not seen one in over two years. I was his return visit, and that is the only reason I saw them at all.

  • cantleave

    I have chased up members of group on numerous occasions, and helped them remember a witnessing event, so they aren't irregular. This is particularly important just before a CO visit.

    Like an area sales manager the CO is looking for numbers. If the numbers are good, the congo has the holy spirit operating on it. If numbers are low someone must be grieving the spirit .

    Our last CO visit was excellent, our congo is doing really well, the CO could feel the holy spirit in operation. The body of Elders is setting a fine lead. Hmmmmm and that is despite Bro. cantleave visiting an apostate website.

  • blondie

    I knew of 2 service overseers that would turn in time slips for jws who had not turned in slips. The PO was suspicious and did some checking.

    Then there is the service overseer that asks if you spent time a) talking to your unbaptized children or family b) spent some time talking to workmates c) wrote a letter to an unbaptized family member d) spent at least 1 hour informally witnessing, leading you into claiming time you did not have.

  • AllTimeJeff


    Both those examples come directly as a result of the pressure the CO's put on local elders to put good numbers up on each visit. Precentage of irreagular and inactive are considered. As a SEC or SO, you pray for certain irreagular to hit the 6 month mark, so that you can mark them inactive, then they don't count against total publisher count.

    It's nuts.

  • aniron

    I often heard our Service Overseer when gathering reports at the KH.

    He would say to elderly sisters, who may not have done anything "Just put a couple of hours down, it keeps the records looking good."

    I knew a brother who often put down he did 20 hours a month. Yet he was rarely seen out on service.

    Another brother often reported placing 40+ magazines. Till it was discovered all he did was post them through peoples doors.

    A brother in the group I was in would drive 20 mins to meet us, do 20 mins on doors, drive 20 mins back home. Then claim he had done an hours service.

    Here's a point if two JWs working together on the doors, spend an hour working a road. How much time have they spent in Field Service?

    They have only spent an hour, both doing the same doors. They have only done one hours FS, yet each will report an hour so on the records in will be that two hours FS has been done.

  • mkr32208

    I rounded up to the next 10 for years... In other words I had no hours and said I had 10! Plus I always had magazine placements (dispite not GETTING extra mags) and I always reported a handfull of RV's and a book or two.

    I found out that for MONTHS after I had left the organization they put in the same slip for me every month and get this they did the same damn slip at TWO different halls! I think it was at least 18 months that they did that so thats what 400 hours added? Plus mags books rv's...

    Their numbers are total bullshit!

  • sir82

    Oh absolutely not. A couple of anecdotes.

    1) While serving as secretary, sometimes someone would turn in a report but another congregation picked it up by mistake. So I'd have to call the person to get their time report. Some time later, the original report would turn up. At least 75% of the time there were significant differences between the phoned-in number and the number on the paper. People make stuff up all the time, and as noted in other posts on this thread, the actual numbers don't matter a pippin - just so it's bigger than 0.

    2) Our current COTBOE's wife is bipolar and refuses to take her meds. She has not een out in service for well over a year, yet her oh-so-righteous husband dutifully reports 1 hour for her each month, presuming "wel, she must talk to the [unbaptized] grandkids about Jehovah sometimes."

  • WTWizard

    Personally, I prefer holding down the averages--and zero is the best number to do that. If I could count negative field circus, I would do that--to cancel out the 1.5 billion hours that were reported by everyone else and force them to report a big fat goose egg.

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