Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 8-23-09 WT Study (SPEAK TRUTH)

by blondie 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillin

    it occurred to me that lying to an elder might be OK if they have shown that they aren't worthy of it. They may have shown no interest at all in one's spiritual health, but if the opportunity arises to beat one down, they are on the job!

  • WTWizard

    They are trying to say that people that are not entitled to the truth should not be given the truth. Including worldly people that need the information so they can make a good decision whether or not to join--they are not entitled to the truth because they would not become witlesses if they know none of the promises (personal or general) are ever going to be fulfilled, and that they are going to be set up for an assignment that (1) will require them to remain unfulfilled in personal life or keep them that way and (2) they are totally unsuitable for. These people are to be lied to in order to get them into the cancer. Then, once they make a decision based on the false information, they are stuck with it no matter what. So much for getting disfellowshipped for lying when it is to ruin people's lives.

    As for the workers, witlesses generally make the crappiest workers. And especially if more than one are in a department--I have seen one witless that could not put in a whole day's work without whining non-stop, and they argue about what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger says about matters that make no difference in personal life, let alone work. Generally, they do not get any work that is work done. And, they will take days off together when a major event (like the REJECT Jesus Party or an a$$embly) comes along, leaving the place short staffed (and will pull a no show if they are scheduled to work that day anyways). I have heard of several of them that called in sick to go to a Grand Boasting Session.

    Yes, they are going to make trouble for customers and other workers. They are supposed to witless to people, such as co-workers (and now, they are explicitly telling the witlesses to witless to other men on the job) and customers. So they want to litter the place with their littera-trash, so people that do not want religion are affected. You cannot have a few witlesses and a religiously neutral workplace, too. Not to mention what happens if a customer wants a birthday item or some Christmas decorations--especially if that customer was once a witless.

  • ldrnomo

    For example, Roberto's employer in Spain commended him for being an honest and responsible worker. As a result of Roberto's fine conduct, the company hired

    additional Witnesses. These too proved to be excellent workers. Over the years, Roberto found employment for 23 baptized brothers and 8 Bible students

    In my company, my partner, who is still an active witness elder, and I will not hire witnesses any more. They often refuse to work overtime, they don't look at what they do as being important, and they sluff off as much as those that aren't witnesses IE: take longer breaks then allotted, come in to work late, eat while on the job, talk on their cell phones while they are supposed to be working etc. We even had one employee who refused to stay a couple hours late to finish a delivery because he said he had to get home and work on his part for the service meeting that night.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thanks Blondie!

    "Similarly today, Jehovah's people need to be on guard against apostates and other wicked men who use trickery or cunning for selfish purposes."

    Yeah, it's pretty tricky and cunning the way Watchtower Corporation slipped out of the noose on the preaching work being finished in "this 20th century" and "some of the generation alive in 1914 will be on hand to see the Great Tribulation".

    "Apostates" don't need to lie. Truth is the enemy of WT Corp. They can't handle truth. They just keep rehashing and reworking the same old lies.

    I think they'll need to put out an edict to burn all their own litteratrash that's more than 6 months old. Yesterday's truth is tomorrow's apostacy.

    Like they're qualified to lecture on "speaking truth"? They're full of lies.

    B the X

  • quietlyleaving

    well I did manage to make a comment from the KIT. It sat there prominently on my lap and the study conductor thanked me for my answer - I'm learning to be subtle. The "apostates and other wicked men who use trickery or cunning for selfish purposes" were very definitely the FDS/GB in my minds eye

  • Heaven

    6. Does being truthful with others mean that we must disclose every detail to whoever asks us a question? Not necessarily.

    This could cause me a world of problems when trying to deal with my aging father's health issues. I just hope he doesn't take it to heart to not disclose details I may need to look after him.

  • booby

    The man had taken note of the brother's honesty as well as his neat appearance.

    Yup. A neatly dressed man and honest to boot. Gotta be a JW. The one that cost me ten grand through theft and then on top of that his father who was an elder phoned me and tried to bully me out off testifying in court proves how honest they all are. I realize that the great majority are honest, but so are the majority of people in general.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Thank you Blondie!

  • marcopolo

    Thank very much Blondie.

    I wait for Comments Next week, "The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body...

  • OnTheWayOut

    Para. 5 Yet, what did Paul mean when he said that we should speak truth with our neighbor? Speaking truth involves sharing information that is factual, free from any deceit. True Christians do not twist or misrepresent the facts so as to mislead others. They "abhor what is wicked" and "cling to what is good." (Rom. 12:9) In imitation of "the God of truth," we should strive to be honest and forthwright in all our dealings.

    JW's do mislead at the door. "We are not here to convert you, just to share good news." They also leave out important information at the door, certainly as they study with someone, they bypass the difficult subject of shunning and violations of WT rules.

    Q 16. What do Christians render to (a) governmental authorities? (b) Jehovah?

    16. Jesus said: "Pay back, therefore, Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God." (Matt. 22:21) What sort of "things" do we owe Caesar, that is, the governmental authorities? When Jesus uttered those words, the discussion centered on taxes. So to maintain a clean conscience before God and men, Christians obey the laws of the land, including those pertaining to the paying of taxes. (Rom. 13:5, 6) But we recognize that Jehovah is the Supreme Sovereign, the only true God, whom we love with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. (Mark 12:30; Rev. 4:11) We therefore render to Jehovah God submission without reservation.--Read Psalm 86: 11, 12.

    COMMENTSWhy did the WTS have to be taken to court to pay workers compensation (New York) or retirement (Spain) then?

    Excellent thoughts. WTS should just pay what "Ceasar" demands. France too. Just pay it, let Jehovah provide. Have faith.

    Q17. How do Jehovah's people view receiving public assistance?

    17. Many countries offer social programs or services to help those in need of material support. There is nothing wrong with a Christian's receiving such assistance-provided that he qualifies. Speaking truth with our neighbor would rule out giving false or misleading information to govermental authorities in order to receive public assistance.

    COMMENTSHow many jws did I know that took welfare to regular pioneer when they could work full-time, sisters who took child welfare for 5 years; or brothers on disability who worked a kingdom hall builds?

    I knew tons of JW pioneers that made sure to keep their work minimal to qualify for aid of some type, yet they got their recruiting in. I remember one sister who was supposedly mentally unable to hold a job because of a paranoid schitzophrenia who was discovered to be pioneering by the governmental agencies. They ruled that the one ability was a demonstration of the other ability to hold a job. She stopped pioneering in order to avoid a job. She still went in service, but didn't count all the hours. Good point, Blondie.

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