have you ever wittnessed the fall of an "alpha family"?

by highdose 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    you know the family i mean in the congo, its always a 2.4 family,the father is always always an elder, the wife is always has an air of supremness who looks down her nose at all the other sisters, the kids always appear to be textbook straight of a watchtower illistration " how to be a perfect JW". they spend their time practiculay glued to the platform, showing everyone how they are not measuring up to their perfect example. and all round just making everyone feel unworthy. Their not always the nicest people though and can be cruel and condesending.

    I wittnessed the fall of the alpha family in my congo, i have to admit i took great joy in it. Seeing them reduced to the rank of mere mortals like everyone else. Same as seeing a bully get their come uppance.

    has anyone else got a similar story? if so i may tell the story of the fall of that family...

  • blondie

    I have witnessed the fall of many an alpha family. Most frequently the father is an elder and is so busy with "congregation" matters he neglects his wife and children.

  • chickpea

    yep, elder, a wife who REALLY
    put the sneer in pio-sneer, and
    4 kids.... had a significant fall from
    grace that had them leaving the area
    and setting up a tavern in a town about
    40 miles away.... several babies out of
    wedlock, a son in the military, all sorts
    of "eh" issues to the real world but
    scandalous reproach on jah for the dr0nes

  • marmot

    Yep, mine.

  • straightshooter

    There was an alpha elder in one congo that really thought he was hot stuff. The other elders were basically in fear of him. He treated me and others like the description of the Pharasees treating the people like dirt. I and a few others switched congos. About three years later, he was removed as an elder. He has never become an elder to this day. The fun part was visiting the congo he was in, he is like a whipped pup.

    Another alpha elder who had the "perfect" family was brought down by his wife complaining to the WTS about him being a tyrant at home. He fought this for years saying he was unjustly treated. Amazingly another elder who was his supporter and life-long friend got the CO to feel sorry for him about 5 years later. His oldest child is out of the house and out of the "truth" and calls his parents "those people" instead of mom and dad. His other children and wife are now the "perfect" family again and he is the same old alpha elder with supreme control of the congo.


    I`ve watched many fall..


  • Belly

    Sounds a bit like my family, but i wouldnt be so quick to laugh.

    Its usually the father drunk with elder power dragging his family along.

    Believe me the ride is miserable.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    I have seen this many times. I have to admit, I took great delight in the last scenario (not a part of my personality I am proud of). They were the family that were big fish in a little pond. Dad was the elder and sole provider. Mom was the elderette pioneer that only worked with "certain" people during mid week service. Two adoring children, a boy and a girl. They were the ones that always had the back to school family demo out of the KM the first week of September on how sweet little daughter was going to ward off the advances of the quarterback on the football team and how junior wasn't going to eat those tasty cupcakes during the school birthday parties. Mom is soooo happy she doesn't work outside the home, who else would take the school brochure to the teacher? Their kids were just too good to associate with the regular kids. Well when the economy turned to crap, mom had to shed her designer clothes and clean houses a few days a week (readin them awake mags didn't parlay into a masters degree for her). Without stay at home mommy's watchful eye little Suzy Q was going down the road to a trailer park after school and having sex with an unemployed 30 year old guy. When they had to read a letter about Suzy , Dad was removed as an elder and they got the new flavor of the month couple with grade school kids to give the September part, they went to a different congregation with their tails between their legs. Awhh.

  • besty

    I'll talk about this more in Part V of my life story but we had a shepherding call from a couple of elders - one of whom was the likeable but rather smug PO. Wife didn't work as he had a good job and 2 model pupil boys. When they found out on the call I had reservations about the Borg they informed us that we couldn't have the Book Study in our home as the 'holy Spirit may not be operating on the home'

    Cue Sweet pea to burst into tears - she was reallly looking forward to having the CBS in our home.

    >> 6 months and the PO was removed as an elder and the CBS taken out of his home. Reason - shepherding a single sister on his own.

    Cost for us to attend the meeting that night - $1.50

    Fish and chips afterwards - $8.50

    (ex)PO slapdown - priceless

  • cantleave

    There's one about to hit the rails VERY soon - mine! I'll update everyone here soon.

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