JW's Value Position & Appearances over Displaying God's Qualities

by flipper 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • JoJoJones

    I agree that this is a really good thread. I can recall feeling so depressed in this cult. It felt kind of like an exclusive country club sometimes. Getting the members to think that very menial tasks were "privileges" was such a maniipulative tactic. It makes me think of Tom Sawyer trying to get his friends to think whitewashing a fence was fun and cool. Sure, Tom. Sure, WTBTS. All it is is another pyramid company - - makes me think of Amway or some other companies like that. An orgainization that feeds off the 'rank and file' - - sad term, I think. Anyway, I am happier than I have ever been in my adult life, and that is largely because I am no longer a Jehovah's Witness. My ex became an elder, and it seems as if he was a warmer, kinder person before he became one. Something about rising up in the 'ranks' does something to a lot of JWs. Elders who seem pompous, arrogant, and full of themselves sure don't emanate true Christian love. They sure don't seem approachable, and I think elders should be personable people - - genuinely, sincerely so.

  • flipper

    MONKEYMAN- I think the field service reports were bogus. It didn't show anything for them to be counted. What NEEDED to be counted was the many hours caring, loving people spent assisting older ones with shopping, housecleaning, assisting the sick, etc. THOSE were the REALLY important things in the organization.

    I'm glad you had a caring attitude for what you did for people as an MS and elder- but I can assure you, very few appointed men had the right outlook.

    JOJO JONES- Good points you make. It really did seem like being in a country club in the witnesses. Perhaps THAT'S why I didn't fit in. I noticed that when people got in positions they ended up being more haughty also. I'm very happy in my life too- it's so good to be free of the cult

  • DaCheech

    position gives power

    power gives corruption

    corruption trashes the sheep (shepherds do slaughter their own sheep for food) (hated that shepherd reference)

  • flipper

    DA CHEECH- I agree with you. I'm a firm believer in the phrase, " Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. " I've seen it too many times in my life in the witnesses and in the outside world

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I was the busiest MS you ever saw. The body didn't want to reccommend me even though I was pioneering, conducting a bookstudy, giving public talks, handling the territories and often having two parts on the service meeting each week. The circuit overseer told me to move to a congregation nearby. I asked why? I knew they had 13 pioneers and plenty of MS. He said, "they need elders." The clear indication was that I would not be appointed an elder where I was, but the other congregation would see I was not a position hungry idiot. I laughed and said, "Well, if the Holy Spirit has anything to do with it I'll be appointed where ever I am." Two visits later I was appointed after a major confrontation with the two elders assigned to tell me why I wasn't appointed. They knew they would get a monster who didn't care about their bull**** timeslips. They weren't doing anything for anyone but themselves. I visited the elderly, mowed thier lawns, made sure they were well and looked after. I helped the families as best I could and made it a point to call each family in the congregation over time. They really hated me. W.Once

  • SirNose586

    I realize now that's what guided me in my time in the congregations. I was being groomed by the P.O. All the other kids weren't interested in moving up, or weren't meeting the minimum requirements for promotion. Because I couldn't fit in with them, I conformed to reaching out and handling assignments for MS status. Even my education conformed to the Watchtower accepted career of auto mechanic (which isn't a bad career, just not a passion of mine to become a car mechanic).

    Now I'm trying to fix the way things are...but my main motivation was staying in the good graces of those in power. What a mistake that was!

  • mcsemike

    To Flipper and Outlaw: I couldn't have said it any better. It's just like you said. I like the "WT product" comments very much. I wish that people would realize that the WT is NOT a religion. It's a book publishing empire PLUS it is a world-wide organization dedicated to creating a social life for people who have severe psychological problems but don't realize it, don't have the money to see a therapist, or else have been told they are sick but refuse to admit the fact.

    "There are none so blind as those who REFUSE to see." Very sad. Arrogance plus ignorance plus hypocrisy equals one wasted life, and whatever harm that the deluded JW does to others.

  • flipper

    Good comments by you folks ! Was out of town a few days- I'll reply.

    WASANELDERONCE- I hear what you are saying. You sound like you were a great , caring servant who really tried being authentic in helping others. But as you stated- some other elders get jealous of good guys like you or me who wanted to help people out of pure motives. I was used a lot too- but my mind was too independent to have ever worked in a body of elders. I would have got in some fight with other elders if I saw someone getting mistreated. LOL!

    SIR NOSE 586- I hear you. I started young as well- age 20 was appointed a Ministerial servant. And i know the groming you are talking about. They'll groom you into a pre-30 elder before you know it ! I think a lot of us tried to please the powers over us in the congregations - just to survive it. Don't feel too bad about trying to please the elders- we all played that game at one time. At least you have your freedom now like me ! Freedom and life is sweet !

    MCSEMIKE- Mike- Very true - the WT society is a magazine printing company masquerading as a " pretend religion " - but is really a " mind control cult ". It's that simple. A lot of people don't see it, or won't see it because they are under the influence of that same mind control. It's a wondrous day when some of our relatives break free from it. One can only hope

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