U.S. Life Expectancy Hits All-Time High

by leavingwt 40 Replies latest social current

  • yesidid

    It is an all time high for the US, but 50 other countries are either ahead or well ahead.

    Not much of a showing for the world's richest country, the world's most expensive health system.

    Australia and Canada are 7th and 8th respectively.

    How can that be when they have that wretched socialist health care system?

    Come to think of it all the countries with universial health care are ahead of the US in longevity.

  • villabolo

    We also have to look at the quality of life of the elderly. Throughout their youth and adulthood they eat junk and drink loads of sugar getting diabetes and other disseases. Then our high tec pills and other things come to their "rescue". We would have an even longer lifespan if we took preventative measures.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yes, prevention is one of the best solutions to better quality of longer life. BUT, there comes a time when we all have served our purpose here and learned our life lessons and must move on. With preventive measures we can help ourselves to have good deaths instead of bad and premature ones.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm speaking from a reincarnation perspective. I respect that not everyone shares that.

  • PEC
    We would have an even longer lifespan if we took preventative measures.

    This is very true and if we had universal health care, everyone would be able to see the doctor, so they could take the preventative measures. Not having to wait until it is an emergency to get health care.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yes, not everyone knows how what they eat affects their bodies over time. They simply don't have the needed education to know or the will to do better because of their life circumstances.

  • brojo

    If you factor out deaths from accidents and murder, US life expectancy is close to the top. Our health care system is the best in the world.


  • yesidid
    Our health care system is the best in the world.

    Hi Brojo

    To come to that conclusion, I am sure you have done much analytical research of all the other health systems in the world.

    Perhaps you could give us a comparision of various countries, for example those of say; Japan, Canada, Sweden,

    Australia, Switzerland, and Italy, and what makes them inferior to the US system.

    They all have a longer life expectancy.


  • beksbks

    Actually, I think one of the reasons our numbers are getting better, is that murder in this country is decreasing.

  • yesidid
    If you factor out deaths from accidents and murder, US life expectancy is close to the top

    So you are saying there are a greater proportion of accidents and murders in the US than

    all the other countries with longer life expectancy?

    That doesn't say a lot for the technology or culture.

    Cant quite understand that.


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