Would things have been different if you had a "normal" life in the truth?

by truthseeker 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • meangirl

    Yep Truthseeker it is an erie and awful carnival ride isn't it? Too many ups and downs but mostly downs......Only the ups if you are deemed "worthy"......

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I wonder what you meant by normal life in the truth. Now I understand. I guess I did have a pretty normal life as a JW at least as normal as it could be. I left for reasons of conscience when I stopped believing it was the truth not because of any experiences with the people I knew as a witness. I always had lots of friends in the "truth". When I was single there were lots of single people to hang out with. Married people would also invite me to do things with them. When I got married we had about 400 people at our wedding. Once I was married we still had a lot of people over. I had a regular group of kids I would go running with. I'd take them to the beach. I had friends to surf with. Friends to go on ski trips with. Friend to go to shows and to dinner with. It all ended the minute it was known that I had left the "truth". That was what was so strange. It ended so abruptly. It would have made it a lot easier to leave if I didn't like them and they didn't like me but that wasn't the case. I guess my point is that once you realize it isn't the truth and that you and all of your friends are being deceived by a book publishing company it is hard to stick around no matter what the circumstances are. To stay I would have had to go through life living a lie and I just didn't want to do that.

  • Amazing

    Hi Farkel,

    My email is [email protected]. Likewise its good to see you posting ... I pop in and out at times ... not like I used to do. When you email me, I will share my phone number and we can catch up on life ... I am back in Illinois after spending almost a year at a nuke plant in northeast Wisconsin. I will also copy this to a PM just to be sure you see it.

    I enjoyed your comments on the thread about the LDS and the Mormon Temple. I never went to visit any of the Mormon facilities ... but I did pass by them several times as I traveled on I-80 east or west. I agree with you that their Temple is an edifice that looks like it is dedicated to God ... whereas the Watchtower buildings looks like something dedicated to a corporation.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

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