So what's wrong with being a "Cult"?

by The Berean 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    I looked up the definition of "cult" on Definition #1 read as follows "a particular system of religious worship, esp.with reference to its rites and cerimonies." That soundeed vanilla enough ...

    Scrolling down to #2, I saw "An instance of great veneration of a person, ideal or thing, esp. as manifested by a body of admirers (such as) the physical fitnerss cult. Goodness, one could apply that discription to anything from politicians to sports heros.

    #4 didn't help: "A group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc." I believe all nations on earth would manifest such reverence toward their government ...

    I thought #6 might fit the indictment against organizations such as the WBTS ... until it specified that a cult is under the direction of a charismatic leader, of which JWs have no such one identifiable person.

    So why do so many speak with distain, referring to Jehovah's Witness as a dangerous "cult"? Could it not be said that by definition the group does not accurately fufill the charicteristics of a dangerous organization?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I think your question is partly answered by yourself with this statement.

    I was offered a Journalism scholarship at Ohio State ... Mom made me turn it down cause "Armageddonwas near"... ended up a janitor!

  • Heaven

    I wouldn't want any of the children in my family to be alone with a JW. I consider mind control, mental illness, and pedophilia pretty dangerous.

  • drwtsn32

    Cults are dangerous because they take away a person's individuality and ability to think independently. Cults do this by controlling behavior, thoughts, the environment, and what information the cult member is exposed to.

    I find those dictionary definitions lacking. Here is a list of "warning signs" that are characteristic of cults/unsafe groups:

  • sir82
    it specified that a cult is under the direction of a charismatic leader, of which JWs have no such one identifiable person.

    Not a single person, but a group which is venerated far more than Jesus or even Jehovah: The Governing Body

    Ever seen what happens at a district convention when a GB member is present? How many hundreds or even thousands are willing to wait in line for hours (if the GB'er sticks around that long) just for the opportunity to shake his hand, get a photo, and stammer out a "oh thank you so much for such a wonderful talk your worshipfulness".

  • oompa

    i have found difinations that state they follow a leader or group that directs them

    the point of this is that these leaders make ALL the rules and must be obeyed, or there are serious negative consequences

    this means that no freedom of opinion or thought is allowed and nobody can express it without punishment

    all cults have "control mechanisms" to KEEP people in or face punishment in some form or another

    that is what is wrong with being a cult!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............oompa

    no freedom

  • B_Deserter

    A leader doesn't have to be a single individual. It can be a group of individuals. My definition of a cult would be:

    1. A group based upon a unique set of core beliefs that exercises high to excessive levels of control over the daily life and actions of the individuals in its membership.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    I wouldn't want any of the children in my family to be alone with a JW. I consider mind control, mental illness, and pedophilia pretty dangerous

    Ridiculous, your daft comment screams overreaction. I leave my kids with jw family lots of times. There is no "mind control" "mental illness" or "pedophillia" anywhere to be seen.

  • civicsi00

    If you would like to be told by other people that unless you talk/behave/act/do as you're supposed to orGod will smite you, then go right ahead and join one of the many cults around the world.

    I prefer my freedom.

  • leavingwt

    (Steve Hassan candidly admits that some cults are not destructive.)

    I can only speak from my own personal experience. I was once a member of a destructive mind control cult. I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Paul Grundy has created a wonderful page detailing the very reasons why I am no longer a JW.

    What's Wrong with Being a JW?

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