by gubberningbody 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • gubberningbody


    1. We can never really prove or disprove the existence of God. Therefore, God exists.

    2. The essence of being human is the freedom to choose. If there was no God, then there could be no choice of beliefs. Therefore, God exists.

    3. If there wasn't something keeping everything together, the whole universe would fall apart. Therefore, God exists.

    4. God is all-powerful and can therefore do anything He likes. Such a marvellous being would never want to not exist, so therefore God most certainly does exist.

    5. Life would be meaningless without God and the thought of this simply makes me unhappy. We cannot live without hope. Therefore, God must exist.

    6. If there were no God, religion would have no meaning and society would tear itself apart. Therefore, God has to exist.

    7. Life is a miracle. All miracles come from God. Therefore, God exists.

    8. Even though I know very little about Nature, I feel certain that it could not have, by itself, produced things like consciousness, sunsets and birds. Therefore, God exists.

    9. All of us have a yearning for something deeper, and God wouldn't have given us this yearning if He didn't actually exist. Therefore, logically, God cannot help but exist.

    10. The light in a child's eyes has to come from somewhere and it couldn't possibly be that dull, grey mass called the brain. Therefore, the evidence points to the fact that God exists.

    11. The determined efforts of a child struggling to stand and make his first steps would be futile if there was no God. Therefore, God exists.

    12. The Bible says that God exists and it would never lie. Therefore, God exists.

    13. Millions of people believe in God and they can't all be wrong. Therefore, God has to exist, you see.

    14. There are many religions in the world and they all agree that God exists. Therefore, God exists.

    15. If God didn't exist, then the saints would be wasting their lives. This is simply not fair, so God has to exist.

    16. There have been many who have martyred themselves in the service of God. Look at the early Christians in Rome! It is simply inconceivable that they would have sacrificed themselves like this had God not actually existed. Therefore, it is clear that God exists.

    17. I am a person and therefore important. Therefore, God really does exist!

    18. When I kneel down and pray for God's forgiveness, I feel uplifted, as if touched by a higher power. Therefore, God exists.

    19. I have just entered into a heavenly state of consciousness which was timeless and profound. Dreary old matter is not sufficient to explain this marvelously blissful experience. Therefore, I know that God exists.

    20. Since becoming a Christian, I have given up my drinking and whoring, and have become a better person who cares for others. I am currently at peace with the world. How can you account for this other than the fact that God exists?

    21. When I entered the Christian community, I felt for the first time I truly belonged. Here at last was my true family, a family I have never known. Therefore, you can have my word on it, God most certainly does exist.

    22. Look, the Pope says He exists. Therefore, He exists.

    23. Even the atheist falls on his knees in a crisis and prays. What better proof that God exists!

    24. When I prayed to God, He cured my mother's cancer. Therefore, how can you say that God doesn't exist?

    25. Love is heavenly. Love is divine. Love is out of this world. Therefore, God exists.

    26. Unfortunately, we are only human. We cannot become perfect, as Jesus urged us to do. Therefore, God exists in order to console us.

    27. To believe in God enhances one's life more than not believing in Him. Therefore, God necessarily exists.

    28. I don't want to know anything. I just want everything to be a great mystery, like in childhood. I just want to bury my head in God's shoulders and cry. Therefore, God exists.

    29. I deserve a reward for the wretched life I lead. God wouldn't walk away from His responsibilities as Creator and not exist, would he? Therefore, God has no other obligation but to exist.

    30. Although my head tells me that God is a ludicrous concept, my heart cries out for His existence. Indeed, the fact that I see God as being ludicrous is precisely a test of my faith. The more ludicrous God appears to me, the stronger is my faith in believing in Him. Therefore, after examining the matter from all angles, I can only conclude that God exists.
  • Farkel

    Every one of these "proofs" involves circular reasoning. They are all logical fallacies. Therefore, they are proof of nothing.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Farkel, isn't it obvious this is tongue in cheek and poking fun at believers?

  • AllTimeJeff

    I would like to officially label this as "ironic"

  • straightshooter

    Very interesting concepts. I always wondered why God revealed Himself in many spectacular ways in the Scriptures, but in modern times this is absent.

  • PEC

    You have me convinced.


  • Farkel

    :Farkel, isn't it obvious this is tongue in cheek and poking fun at believers?

    Yeah, but before true believers start jumping in with high fives, I thought I would take away their thunder.

    Actually, for me, the most significant evidence for the existence of a Creator is the big bang and pre-big bang when there was no time. How does anyone get all of the stuff in the cosmos including billions of billions of entire galaxies, each consisting of billions of stars into something not much bigger than a thimble? And where did the stuff in the thimble come from?


  • stillajwexelder

    The Pope is infallible because the pope says he is infallible and the pope says God exists therefore God must exist

    There is order in the universe (dont worry about that entropy stuff) therefore God exists

  • parakeet

    You're putting us on, aren't you, gubberningbody? Not a single one of those statements is proof of anything. They are assertions, opinions, and feelings with no convincing evidence to back them up.

    I feel "uplifted" when I think about pretty pink unicorns living at the bottom of the sea; therefore they must exist? Come on!

  • MissingLink

    Best proof I've heard yet.

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