Rick Fearon's Conference Call Was Cool Tonight!

by jamiebowers 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • the research lady
    the research lady

    Hello! everyone, we are glad that so many of you were able to join in on the call on Saturday. Lady Lee did a fantastic job telling her story and we were happy to have her on as a guest. It was really interesting to hear so many voices of those who are regulars on this board. Kool Aid Man and I would like to thank all those who came on the call and shared their experiences as well as all of you who just listened in. Make sure you tune in again if you can on Saturday August 29,2009 as we will be interviewing a man who will be telling his story about how he too was "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower". We will post more information as that time draws near. In the meantime, you can listen to past recorded calls, including this one that should be posted some time this week by going to www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com and scrolling down to conference calls. Just click on the phone and you can listen to some of the other interesting guests we have had on the program.

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