Rick Fearon's Conference Call Was Cool Tonight!

by jamiebowers 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Heaven

    I hope Rick holds another one in the future. I had wanted to attend but unfortunately, was tied up with a problem at my Dad's.

  • startingovernow

    Bummer, when I came on it was some kind of trivia - what color was one of Rutherford's 2 Cadillacs - didn't stay on long enough to hear the answer -I'll have to catch up with the pod cast

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I thought we would get back to some serious discussion but when it looked like that wasn't going to happen I asked if there were any more questions and then left after a couple of short comments. I think we went for at least 3 hours of Q&A before they changed the tone of the call. I could have gone on much longer. I used to give 3 hour lectures so a conference call was pretty easy because I didn't have to do all the talking.

    I am anxious for it to posted on the site so I can listen to it all.

  • dinah
    I am anxious for it to posted on the site so I can listen to it all.

    Me too. I missed it.

  • Japster



    and Jamie Bowers

    you have pm's from me

    Thanks Japster!

  • Mastodon

    Where can we go to hear this?

  • jamiebowers

    Where can we go to hear this?

    In a week or so it will be posted at www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.

  • Leolaia

    I missed it too....I was on a trip to Europe last week. I believe I was visiting a Gestapo prison at the time the conference call occurred.

  • sir82
    I believe I was visiting a Gestapo prison at the time the conference call occurred.

    Ah, so you were in Selters at the WT branch then....

  • Leolaia

    I actually tried to ask the staff if any Jehovah's Witnesses were held in the prison. But I didn't speak German. The lady there asked me if I could speak French. My French sucks so I told her no, and walked away. Then I thought I could give it a try since I could read it a little, and so I went back and said I knew a little and asked her if she knew if there were JWs imprisoned there. She then gave me her answer and I could not comprehend it at all. :( Maybe if she wrote it down I could read it and make sense of it but I just could not understand what she was saying. She asked me what was wrong and I said that my French just wasn't good enough and left it at that.

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