I've just been informed that ca halls in Richmond, VA, Pittsburgh, PA and possibly Crownsville, MD have multiple sattelite dishes and antenas. Does anyone know why?
Circuit Assembly Halls
by jamiebowers 14 Replies latest jw friends
sweet pea
They get money from the people that own them to have them placed there?
It's usually about the money.......
Do they COs, DOs, or caretakers that live in them?
Do they COs, DOs, or caretakers that live in them?
I don't know...will try to find out.
Crownsville, MD does have residents in it (although not at the moment since they are rebuilding it).
Most Assembly Halls, at least the ones built in the last 20-30 years, have 2,3, maybe 4 apartments in them. One for an Assembly Hall Overseer who lives there and is a building caretaker, one or 2 for a DO and/or maybe a CO, and one or 2 for visiting speakers from Bethel or other visiting "dignitaries".
Probably the satellite dish is for the ones living there.
My thought exactly, sir82.
I think the sattelite dishes are old school technology that has been replaced by high speed internet.
I remember seeing the sattelite dish at several sites. I doubt they are used anymore. I doubt they were ever used to beam the talks to heaven.
We still use a small dish from Directv. It is still a feature seen all over in the midwest.
AK - Jeff
Are they DirectTV or Dish units? Or are they of other types? Sattelite communication with the AH's - I doubt it though.