Sylvia, you're the new Reinaa.
Can we blame our ancestors for our own shortcomings?
by undercover 443 Replies latest jw friends
nowhere do I see that snowbird defines black identity by slavery - all she is saying is that it needs to be factored in - dominant racial groups automatically factor in allowances for themselves whereas minority groups have to ask repeatedly for allowances to be made.
He used to fight in Atlanta because of slavery.
I'm simply trying to show how Vick may have been impacted by the legacy of slavery.
Wow! What a firestorm my statements set off!
Fake modesty won't gloss over your prejudicial comments on the other thread.
Sylvia, you're the Reinaa.
Awww dayum. We went 10 pages without that 'name' being mentioned and you had to go and fuck it up...
Sylvia, you're the new Reinaa.
Uh uh.
Reniaa bowed out.
I'm sticking around here like g-lue.
I ain't going nowhere.
dominant racial groups automatically factor in allowances for themselves ...
Really??? How so?
...all she is saying is that it needs to be factored in - dominant racial groups automatically factor in allowances for themselves whereas minority groups have to ask repeatedly for allowances to be made.
Like Michael Vick asking allowance for dog fighting because his ancestor's were slaves?
dominant racial groups automatically factor in allowances for themselves ...
Really??? How so?
I can tell this is going to be a long conversation.... Let's just call it a day.
...all she is saying is that it needs to be factored in - dominant racial groups automatically factor in allowances for themselves whereas minority groups have to ask repeatedly for allowances to be made.
Like Michael Vick asking allowance for dog fighting because his ancestor's were slaves?
UC, she's just gonna skirt the issue again. Digging a hole would be more productive.