Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !

by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private

  • SecretSlaveClass

    awesome pics everyone, thanks for sharing!

    Don't know how anyone would think Orphan Crow was a guy?

  • babygirl30

    It's just ME! 😊

  • SecretSlaveClass


    Awesome pic. You are insanely gorgeous. Take care of yourself and don't let your mom or other bOrg zombies stress you out, it's the last thing you want to allow with an auto immune disease!

  • babygirl30

    Insanely gorgeous? - hahaha. Thank you, but NO. Just an average chick here...but thanks for the nice compliment.

    I remember this original post years ago, and I was SO afraid to post a pic. And now, Im proud to be an ex-JW!

  • ToesUp
    ToesUp are stunning!
  • Munster Abu
    Munster Abu

    A couple of pics.

    Firstly with my wife on our wedding day 11 years ago. No my son wasn't our flower girl despite him thinking my wife's bouquet was a rocket. He did kick the priest though when he wouldn't give him the microphone during the service.

    2nd one is a more recent pic with grey hairs and all watching a rugby match.

  • SecretSlaveClass


    your boy may be holding flowers but he looks like a tough kid. Perhaps he'll put bullies in their place and hand them freindship flowers afterwards? Well at least until he's old enough to buy them a beer after sorting them out!

  • LisaRose

    I had this photo done for as a Christmas gift for husband (his request).

  • SecretSlaveClass
    Wooohoo we finally get to see the incredibly awesome LisaRose! My god you've got such big, expressive eyes! It's like you're expecting a question or an answer. Says so much about you - particularly as I know and respect you as one of the great pragmatic thinkers on this forum.
  • LisaRose
    Thank you, what a very nice thing to say. I think I look pretty good for the grandmother of a 22 year old, lol.

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