What Makes Blood Sacred?

by cameo-d 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • darkl1ght3r

    There is nothing sacred about blood. It is merely a heterogeneous mixture of various compounds and cells that is necessary to nourish and sustain complex animal life. It is logically no more 'sacred' than urine. Actual Life is the only thing that can, for good reason, be described as 'sacred'. Blood has become such because of it's symbolic and superficial connection to life and death. Urine is equally important to life, it merely serves a different function. If the body had no way to expel toxins, they would eventually build up and the body would essentilly die of poisoning. If blood is venerated as sacred because of its necessity to life, then so should we venerate urine. Yet, urine gets deemed 'icky', and blood 'sacred'.

    Anyway, blood, at some point in man's history became symbolic of life. Probably because when an animal or human receives a fatal wound, blood pours out of it, and death ensues. Therefore, the loss of massive abounts of blood = death, and by logical extension: blood = life. Hold onto your blood, hold onto your life.

    Enough of my rant and more to the point... Blood transfusions are ironically temporary. Eventually those cells and compounds in the transfusion are replaced by those that have been produced by your own body. So given a certain period of time, your blood is once again "pure" as the OP put it.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I would die without my liver, heart, kidneys, lungs, skin... Life is in them, too, if they allow you to live, yet jw's allow for full organ transplants. Blood isn't any more important than those organs, without which we would die. I guess blood is just an easier tissue to remove from the body and cause death, therefore easier to remember.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    You know what? Every part of you, your organs, skin, hair, fingernails, eggs, sperm, teeth, and eyeballs have your DNA in them and tell your family story. So, I don't believe that blood is sacred because it has a story to tell. Blood is not any more special than other parts of you, except maybe your appendix and male nipples. You could lose those and still live long and prosper and your body would still have a story to tell. Mine: 5 generations of JW indoctrination. I'd love for a complete blood transfusion, but my marrow would just make more of my own after the transfused stuff is finished and peed out. The yellow in pee is dead blood cells (other colors are from Fruit Loops and pop-cicles).

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Don't forget that God likes fat, too. God has an appitite, or used to, for blood, fat, and foreskins. What a rediculous meal!

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    I posted before I read your post. You nailed it perfectly. How long is it in your system, anyway? A couple of hours, a day? Certainly not long enough for even God to notice it's not yours. Yes, another poster hit it, too, that the whole thing will go back to God anyway when you die. I just think that you'll pee it out way before you die of old age or whatever.

    I believe that if one wants to honor God with their life that they had better take a blood transfusion if it will elongate that life. Life is what is sacred, not blood. I think there is more life in a pile of poop than blood, what with all of those bacteria in it.

  • Marvin Shilmer
  • cameo-d

    Wow. These are really very interesting answers.

    You all are a good discussion group here.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Blood is sacred

    Life is sacred

    .: Don't save your life with blood because blood is sacred

    Problem: Blood is sacred because of the life supposedly in it.

    Blood should die instead.

  • darkl1ght3r

    I'd like to elaborate on your point White Dove...

    What is more sacred, the blood or the life it sustains?

    To break it down even further: What is more sacred, the symbol or that which it symbolizes?

    The dubs over emphasise the symbol and forget all about the principal behind it. This is exactly what the Pharisees were accused of doing with the law. You could even say the dubs have made an idol out of blood since they hold it's value as greater than life itself. Should we expect anything less from these modern-day Pharisees?

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