I dont know which girl you are referring to, but this girl is Kendra, one of Hugh Hefners girlfriends from a while back.
Wired! Lingerie shopping find single Sister from my Cong on wall poster WTF!
by Witness 007 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Some years back , an elders daughter in the locality was a part time model, she would have been in mid twenties at the time I saw her pic in the paper modelling a bikini.. I thought it a little risque...but I did not want to make waves for her. As far as I know they both remained firm in the faith.
There was another girl whom I knew slightly. As a youngster I had seen her on the C/ass platform talking about Pioneering. Some time later I heard that she was d/f'd and had appeared on Page 3 of "The Sun"..That is a British newspaper tabloid that featured near naked pin ups on Page 3
She was modeling for a co. that sells rapid rabbit thrusters???? Lingerie is one thing. . . .
We had a beautiful, young Italian sister in our congregation who was a model. She modeled in local TV ads, newspapers, local papers, etc. She got a big gig modeing for Richway stores (this was the early 80s). One week, she modeled bras in a Richway flyer. She was counseled to not do that again, not fitting for a JW girl to do. I didn't see anything with it.