Being Brought Up As A Jehovah's Witness---Was It A "BAD" Upbringing?

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    How's this: Did your upbringing make you turn out "bad"? Damaged goods??

  • undercover

    My upbringing wasn't bad, though I see more clearly now how dysfunctional we really were.

    I would have liked to have been encouraged to go to college, to work at succeeding at something more than knocking on doors full time. I think that was the biggest thing...not being pushed to be something or to go to college.

    Another thing, like Caedes mentioned, was not being allowed to question things...that was stifling. I was rebellious to a point and not quick to accept things at face value but that clashed with how we were supposed to be obedient and trusting of the bOrg. I struggled with that for a long time. Eventually the inquisitiveness won out but it took many years. I wonder some times how I stayed in as long as I did.

    SuspiciousMinds mentioned being isolated. I was isolated as well, both figuratively and physically. We were in a rural area so even contact with fellow JWs was only at meetings and occasional get-togethers. Then compound that with not being allowed worldly friends, I grew up learning to entertain myself and to make do on my own. While my self esteem probably took a hit to some degree in my formative years, in the long run though, I've come to appreciate how that isolation has helped me to be my own person and not be swayed by others very easily.

    I like being different. I like how my past is not normal. I think it's given me character and mystery to people who have met me and got to know me after leaving the cult. They know that something shaped me differently than them and it's intriguing to them...but I never give them many details which just makes it all the more intriguing.

  • minimus

    Undercover, you're "different" alright.

  • undercover

    well, at least I didn't ride the short bus to school.

  • saywhat29

    Turn out bad? Okay, thats fair. Not really. I'm alive and I'm happy and I believe that your past isn't the sum of you... no matter if you are the only one in your family outside da troof. It may 'suck a lot' for you but it isn't your everything because you're more than your past. Plus a part of me doesn't want to put the label of it being 'bad'..its almost like if I do 'they/it wins'

    I'm sorry I'm in this self help new agey trip right now so I just don't want their beliefs to be the sum of me or my past...I know it'll always be a piece of me the way I know how to walk up to a stranger's door on Saturday morning and sell them on something I don't believe in, or underline things I'm suppose to read in order to appear smarter than I actually am to those around me... or the way I can get on a stage and read just about everything when most people I know could faint from the thought.... or they way i can just spot witnesses on the street and sometimes even in the office by their catch phrases and wording. *shudders*

    Where was I? Oh yeah... it didn't make me bad. It is just a piece of my life that makes

  • Chalam

    Hi minimus,

    I agree, being brought up a JW is not all bad.

    The bad side is they tell lies when they said they speak the truth. This can lead to physical death (blood transfusions etc) and spiritual death (lack of salvation) and all other types of complications

    On the good side, they uphold "moral values". That said, you can find that in the home of non believers.

    All the best,


  • snowbird

    I'm sorry I brought my oldest daughter up as a JW.

    She's as crazy as a road lizard.

    The youngest who is now in college is also a JW.

    She's not crazy, just pro JW to a fault, which means she semi-shuns us.

    Hi, Say What!!!


  • Farkel

    :Being Brought Up As A Jehovah's Witness---Was It A "BAD" Upbringing?

    The worst.


  • VoidEater

    Were your core principles that you were taught necessarily wrong? Being taught not to lie, cheat, etc. is something that JWs believe and teach their kids (like other religions).

    My core principles from the bOrg: lie to keep the organization looking good; do nothing to help others outside of the organization; do whatever your elders say no matter what; reject friendship and the humanity of those outside.

    Become a powerless, witless drone, at the mercy of others.

    Totally sucks, dude. I'd be much crazier than a road lizard if I'd stayed any longer.

    I can honestly say that core values of honesty and integrity had nothing whatever to do with the religion, and came more from people outside of the truth than in.


    Dam straight it was Bad!!

    Were your core principles that you were taught necessarily wrong? Being taught not to lie, cheat, etc.

    I could have learned that anywhere else..AnyWhere Else!!

    No one should eat a Bucket of Shit,because they think they can find a few Kernnals of Corn in it!


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