What is the mission of those on this board?

by The Berean 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Sounds like you want a mission statement. My mission is stress relief. I was going to take a break (well I haven't been posting as much) but the racism topics pulled me back in I think cuz I felt the so-called black perspective was sorerly one sided. So I guess part of my stress relief here is to do what I do offline, ignore certain folks and not engage ones that I wouldn't engage offline. Takes some self control but at least my blood pressure won't go up.


  • Leprechaun

    To help other Witness's see that it is not as bad they think to take their heads out of the GB ass

  • BizzyBee

    I choose: making fun of other people

  • hamsterbait

    mrsJ5 -

    As I recall you were going through a tough time when you first started posting, and really depressed.

    So different now!! OXO

    The whole idea of a "mission" is a hangover from the WT, who seem to think that all those who disagree are planning strategies to overthrow them. "Apostates plan to kidnap our children" one Witchtower shrilled.

    Happily, unlike the Nasty Nine* at Brooklyn, most people cannot be bothered with a "STRATEGY OF DECEIT", and just like to hang out, discuss, dispute disagree, agree, make up and make friends.


    * Like the Famous Five, Magnificent Seven, or the Filthy Four, in the "Beverly Hillbillies."

  • mouthy

    http://exjw.weebly.com/ <<<<<<Self explanation
    To stop any from wanting to kill themselves as I wanted when the kicked me out.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Can I choose "just wanna have fun"?

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    It has been ever evolving for me.

    First it was a place of confirmation that I wasn't crazy, as I learned most here had discovered the same thing as I had regarding the organization.

    Then it became a place of incredible resources, as many who left did intense research and lovingly posted their findings with scans of actual documents.

    Then as with most who leave it was a place to share my fears my frustrations and my anger.

    Now 4 years later it is a place for me to come to chat with old friends, and to help newbies like yourself come to a place of peace as so many of us here have found.

    It took a long time to go through all the emotional phases, and that is why you probaly see so many different types of people here. They are in different palces in their exit.

    My personal mission is to try and help as many people that want to be helped to find out the truth about the "truth".


    Lady Liberty

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    I have personally found that, if those on this board have a mission, that mission is to help others who have been betrayed by the watchtower. They themselves have been hurt and they want to help others through it. I came for that help and advice and have recieved it in abundance.

    It kept me, my husband and my children from breaking down emotionally.

  • caliber
    I choose: making fun of other people ...Buzzybee

    ( Buzzybee as a little girl ) .. maybe this will help you preceed with your mission !!! God help me now !!

  • caliber

    To let the full gummet of emotions shine through. All ones true feels of love, compassion, laughter, pure joy

    understanding and acceptance .....of variety amongst us.. true heartfelt love your fellow man !

    All these things are stifled at the KH and taken over by duty & expectations of others !

    FREEEEEEDDDOOOM......of heart and mind is my wish for everyone for only then can purest love be understood

    and practiced !!!.......

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