Milestone: Went to Church last Sunday for the very first time......

by Lady Liberty 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear friends,

    Well, after 4 years of being out of the Borg, I decided to take the plunge and I went to "church" with my sister. It was a wonderful experience, and I will definately be returning. Here was my experience:

    The church is a huge facility that has 3 services at different times on their days of worship with about 1,200 people at each service. I was nervous, but excited at the same time to see what it would really be like. Since I was raised in the Borg, I grew up like most JWs, never having set foot in a church for a wedding or even a funeral.

    About 3 years ago however, I went to another church for a funeral for a friend I worked with. It was like going into a assembly hall, and seemed strangely familiar because of it. I was amazed at how I was not uneasy at all. and it really showed me how much I had been scared into believing it would be a very scarey place.

    So when I went for Sunday worship, I had a feeling I would be pleasantly suprised again...and I was!!! There was a band that played music and sang christian songs with 2 big screens with the words to the songs if you want to sing along. Then there was a water baptism...just like the many assembly halls I have been to with a pool in the front of the auditorium so all could see, they were filming it so that you could get a close up on the big screen of the baptismal candidates faces. It was quite touching, 9 got baptized.

    Then, they had communion, a type of "mini memorial"...Jesus never said only once a year, just "keep doing this.....", then, the speaker came up and told the story of David, Saul, Jonothan and Mephibosheth. They had preprinted for everyone who wanted one the scriptures that were cited, so you could look them up later, which I though was really note taking....and then he gave example of how we could apply the story to our own lives.

    I thought it was excellent, and was very encouraging. I actually learned quite a bit!! Some people leave the Borg and never have a spiritual need again. I am one of those who enjoy being encouraged by the Bible and how I can become a better person. However, I must say I will NEVER become a "member" of any other church, being told how or what to believe. I liked the fact that it was so large, no one knew that I was new, so as to not become someones "project" so to speak.

    I was very encouraged and had a tear in my eye more that once. Except for the fact that the audiance didn't have all suits and dresses on, it was like being at a circuit assembly. I was amazed at how many young people were there without their parents. They came in all different colors, and from obviously different backgrounds. It was an amazing testimony to the fact that God accepts all who love him and his son and who have faith no matter what religion they come from, or what they are wearing. I can't imagine Jesus getting his "special" meeting robe on in order to minister to the people.

    I never thought I would ever step foot in a church. let alone go there for fellowship and encouragement, but it was a refreshing change and it filled a void I have had for a long time. It also confirmed to me something I already know and believe, and that is the JWs are NOT the only ones approved by God. It is a matter rather of the heart, faith and love.

    As a side perk, I saw several people I know there, that was a bonus! There was much fellowship afterwards in the huge lobby, just like you would see at the assembly halls. Lots of laughter and smiles. It was strange. People knew one another and they disn't all run off, but they stayed and visited. If I were to imagine them all in suits and ties, I would have thought they were all JWS!!

    Anyhow...I just thought I would share this with you, in case there was anyone out there who have been contemplating going to "church".


    Lady Liberty

  • lurk3r

    Thanks for the share. I have been thinking about this lately too. Congrats!

  • passwordprotected

    Thanks for sharing! I'm sure some will be helped by what you had to say; it's a big step for exiting of ex-JWs to go into a church.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Oh, oh, oh.......

    I wanted to tell you one other the lobby of the church, there was a booth that you could buy a backpack. You take it home and fill it with school supplies and bring it back and drop it off. The church then, after collecting them all, puts them in the gym, and anyone from the community who are having a difficult time can come in, member or NOT, and get one or how ever many they need for their children for school. (And you don't have to PROVE you are having financial difficulty either.)

    What a wonderful, charitable act!!!!!!!! Especially right now, when many are suffering financial hardships. As I understand it, they do this every year, in addition to many other charitable deeds. I as a witness always felt guilty that we never were encourage to give to the community anything other than service time. Infact it was discouraged. Reminds me of the scripture where Jesus denies those who ignored those who needed lifes basics, such as food and clothing, but only preached. (Remind you of anyone?????)

    It feels so good to now give cans of food when the food drive comes by, or donate a dollar or more to support drives for different diseases such as breast cancer, diabetes reseacrch etc... I will definately be buying and donating a backpack full of school supplies!!

    Sorry I forgot this in my original post. I was really tired when I posted it, as i am sure you could tell with my spelling.....LOL.

    Thanks for reading..and as always your comments.

    Lady Liberty

  • Bangalore

    Thanks for sharing, Lady Liberty.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Glad you had a good time. I went to a large church just about the time I was leaving the Wt. A friend invited me to give it a try. I did but I went by myself. What was funny was that when I spoke to the elders over the phone they already heard about it and accused me of joining another church. I had only gone once. Anyway I think large churches work out good for someone coming out of the Wt because they can come and go without any pressure while they are figuring out what they believe.

  • chickpea

    glad you are finding
    the faith community
    to be to your liking...
    bet you get to change
    your mind and try another
    one without having the
    friends you make there
    turn their backs on you, eh?

    i am in complete agreement with
    you in how the b0rg stifles the
    charitable urge by having one
    direct all their "giving" to them....

    my mother taught us to be charitable
    and unfortunately my kids didnt grow
    up seeing how rewarding philanthropy
    can be... and no, FS does not rank
    as genuine investment in humanity.....

    now i give gifts of "lending accounts"
    for all occasions to
    allowing the recipient to have one cycle
    of non-profit investment in a micro-loan
    to a 3rd world entrepreneur and the option
    of withdrawing the repaid funds or lending again...

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I had the same experience visiting a church as you did, Lady Liberty. It was the most thrilling and amazing thing, and it proved the WTS to be lying to JW's as to the evilness of churches. After getting my fill of Chirisitanity, I was free to leave whenever I wanted. I did not lose friends or get slandered by df'ing, even though others knew that I had embraced Wicca as my religion of choice. The JW's don't know that, though, or I'd be in hot water even though I quit along time ago.

  • nelly136

    how many each service??? grief when i think of the empty seats back at the hall lol

    the backpack idea sounds way cool.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    I know it is huge!!! I guess after the last session is over the poor speaker doesn't have much of a voice left. They would like to build a BIGGER facility to hold more people at a time. I guess they own some other land, but since the economy is the way it is they are waiting as they figure the project to run somewhere around 40 MILLION dollars!! WOW..hugh...!?!?


    Lady Liberty

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